Hmmm, weird, if you own a desktop you dont need hibernation, you can disable it for real by:
open CMD as admin
and run
powercfg /h off
The above will disable hibernation for real, regarding paging file its tricky.
You can disable paging, but you cant do it if your already exceeding your ram and using that space, so please boot your computer to safe mode and do the following :
-Open the Start Menu and go to Control Panel
-Click on the System icon
-Select the Advanced tab
-Under Performance, click Settings
-Go to Advanced
-Under Virtual Memory, click Change
-Select No Paging File and then click Set
-Click OK in all the menus
I have 3.5 GB of RAM and i have paging disabled, it matter of choice, and understanding how things works, i know i can less multi-task, but i look for efficient programs or close stuff
And since you have SSD, you will need to learn the power of NTFS junction points, i work at a backup company and give this tutorial for clients, read it when your free and learn the important and trim the rest... haha trim ....
System Drive is filling up from backup jobs information
NTFS Junction allows you to store the size of any folder to another location, while keeping the location
of that folder intact; this is done in the kernel level, so it's invisible to all applications.
The Folder:
C:\Users\(Your Username)\AppData\Roaming\Genie9\
Stores all the configuration files, for Genie Timeline 2012, and Zoolz.
**note: AppData is a hidden folder.
**note: This guide applies to the moving of configuration data of Genie Timeline 2012 as well as Zoolz ,
for older releases (Genie Backup Manager), please use the exact guide but change the above folder
location from Genie9 to Genie-Soft.
**note: The location of C:\Users\(Your Username)\AppData\Roaming\ can be replaced with
%APPDATA% system variable.
To create a junction point, under Windows Vista/7 proceed to do the following:
1) Wait for Genie9 products to finish their current backup if they are running, afterwards please stop
there service by:
Start Button -> Search/Run -> services.msc
Genie Timeline Service --> Stop service
Zoolz --> Stop service
**note : Genie backup Manager 9 , does not obtain a service.
2) Make a copy of the folder
And paste it on the desired location, you wish to move it to, in this example it will be D:\Genie9.
3) Then delete the Genie9 folder, that resides in the %APPDATA%.
**note: if the folder was locked and an error dialog appears that resembles the following messages:
Cannot delete file: Access is denied
The source or destination file may be in use.
The file is in use by another program or user.
Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.
Please use a free-ware program called Unlocker which can be downloaded from here:
After installing Unlocker, Right click that folder --> Unlocker --> Unlock All.
Then continue with the delete.
4) Then run the command to create the junction point in the cmd by:
a) Open cmd as administrator:
Start button --> Search/Run --> cmd.exe --> right click "Run as Administrator"
b) Run the following command:
mklink /j %APPDATA%\Genie9 D:\Genie9
mklink /j “original folder that wants to be moved” “desired new location”
**note : please try to run the junction command as soon as the folder gets deleted (Step 3), it’s better
to have the cmd window ready with the command typed earlier , otherwise the executed command will
error out with the following message:
Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
If That error appears please try again , by deleting that folder then running that command as soon as the
folder gets deleted , if the command succeeded it should notify with the following message:
Junction created for C:\Users\John\AppData\Roaming\Genie9 <<===>> D:\Genie9
Then start Genie9 product services again if needed, from Start -> Search/Run -> services.msc
Genie Timeline Service --> Start service
Zoolz --> Start service
The end result would be the Genie9 folder would appear to reside in the same location but actually all of
its size has been moved to the desired location, and this junction point is permanent.
**note: Junction point can be removed like any file/folder gets deleted, by deleting the original folder
location that the junction has been applied to, which in this example is:
C:\Users\(Your Username)\AppData\Roaming\Genie9
It will have shortcut icon, please note that deleting the junction point, will not delete the actual data
that is stored on the other drive (D: in our example).