Windows 8.1 full version download

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Mar 7, 2013
I'm building a new pc without an optical drive and would like to use the full version download for a clean install. I just want to double check here and make sure it will work before spending the money.

I've read that it gives you an exe that you open on a windows 7 pc. My wife has a laptop with 64 bit 7 on it. Would I be able to download it on her computer, put it on a USB and do a clean install on my pc?
*The above comments link MAY work but they had a link to a Windows 8 page so I wasn't certain. I know THIS one works for sure:

Also, see if you can find the DVD for the same price or cheaper, because it's nice to have the official OEM disc. You can get it through pcpartpicker for $90 USD.
To be clear, you want "Windows 8.1 64-bit OEM" not Windows 8 and definitely not 32-bit.

I use START8 from Stardock ($5) and disable the CHARMS BAR in desktop mode. You can also Google how to bypass the Login screen if desired to boot directly to the classic desktop (which has a Start Menu thanks to Start8).

I play around...
*The above comments link MAY work but they had a link to a Windows 8 page so I wasn't certain. I know THIS one works for sure:

Also, see if you can find the DVD for the same price or cheaper, because it's nice to have the official OEM disc. You can get it through pcpartpicker for $90 USD.
To be clear, you want "Windows 8.1 64-bit OEM" not Windows 8 and definitely not 32-bit.

I use START8 from Stardock ($5) and disable the CHARMS BAR in desktop mode. You can also Google how to bypass the Login screen if desired to boot directly to the classic desktop (which has a Start Menu thanks to Start8).

I play around with the new interface but otherwise never really use it.

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