Windows 8.1 is blurry, need help now!


Oct 30, 2013
So I've got a new PC, and I installed Win 8.1 on it. When I look at the screen on my old Windows 7 PC it looks much sharper. How do I fix this? Please, give me very detailed instructions because everything I've read so far didn't work, I'm starting to think I have some sort of brain damage or something. Everything is blurry, including text and icons, and for some reason when I'm on Youtube every video's title is bold, which annoys the shit out of me.

Also, does Windows 8.1 not have a start menu? On computer class it does, but here it just gets into the stupid Start Screen (the shitty new thing added to Win 8), how can I fix this?
The Windows is pirated, I know pirating is theft but I don't have extra money to spend on an OS. That shouldn't be the problem though, I don't see how it could be as all of my friends have also pirated it. I did install the Intel drivers, but my monitor hasn't ever been updated and I don't know where to get the updates.


With a pirated copy, we cannot guarantee any fixes for it. You're pretty much on your own. You'll also be more secure by purchasing a legal copy of Windows. Or just run Linux or SteamOS until you can get the money to buy Windows 7 or 8.1. Also, Microsoft will not support upgrading a pirated copy of Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.
Actually, they will but it's gonna stay "not genuine". There is practically no difference between pirated and real, except touchscreen features. Come on guys, don't be assholes just because I didn't buy Windows and help, because I don't want to be going back to Windows 7.