Update 1 seems to cater to the mouse and keyboard user.
Windows 8.1 Update Boots to Desktop Only on Non-Touch : Read more
Windows 8.1 Update Boots to Desktop Only on Non-Touch : Read more
What Microsoft needs to be doing is REMOVE all metro from not touch devices. REMOVE it completely. I don't want to see anything metro on a 1440p 27 inch screen. It's a complete waste of time. Do AWAY with the metro-style network selector, do AWAY with the metro-style start menu, do AWAY with any metro-style control panel, AWAY with the metro-style windows store, AWAY with the metro-style software selector (for unknown file types), AWAY with the purple, AWAY with the metro-style login screen, AWAY with the useless BSOD, AWAY with all mentions of "apps" instead of "software" or "programs", AWAY with charms and any screen's-edge UI...Just do away with metro and I'll upgrade. Otherwise, Microsoft, you'll never see my money ever again.
I actually found a use for it. I have a two year old daughter and this is the perfect interface for teaching her how to use a computer and mouse.What Microsoft needs to be doing is REMOVE all metro from not touch devices. REMOVE it completely. I don't want to see anything metro on a 1440p 27 inch screen. It's a complete waste of time. Do AWAY with the metro-style network selector, do AWAY with the metro-style start menu, do AWAY with any metro-style control panel, AWAY with the metro-style windows store, AWAY with the metro-style software selector (for unknown file types), AWAY with the purple, AWAY with the metro-style login screen, AWAY with the useless BSOD, AWAY with all mentions of "apps" instead of "software" or "programs", AWAY with charms and any screen's-edge UI...Just do away with metro and I'll upgrade. Otherwise, Microsoft, you'll never see my money ever again.
The interface works well for non-tablets as well. I'm personally using it to post this comment and I love the full screen start menu in Windows 8. Not that hard to shift between Modern UI and Desktop apps.The interface is an Microsoft's way of overcompensating for the fact that they missed the boat with smartphones and tables. The interface works for tablets but that's about it. It takes too long to find anything on a phone and for a computer it's just a huge was of screen real estate. It works fine for the 90% of the population that only uses a PC for checking email and facebook, but for those of us that open several browser windows with dozens of tabs a piece, keep a couple of editors running, a command line, an explorer window and a couple of applications running at the same time Metro is a hindrance. Google and Apple that you have to adapt the interface between tablets, phones, and PCs, why can't Microsoft figure this one out?
No you wouldn't. You would have no reason to upgrade. Might as well stay on Windows 8 at that point. People just don't like things that have been used for years to change much. Gradual improvements. Anything drastic and you get comments like the one above and then the 16 thumbs up on it. If Microsoft continued to do things that way they would continue to rapidly decline in market share. They have to come up with fresh idea and innovative ways for people to interact with their applications and other people through their computer. They are competing with OSX and to a lesser extent Ubuntu Linux. IMO metro is not a bad first try and introducing a new way to get to applications. Not perfect and could use some continued refinement but not bad. It is extremely fast.What Microsoft needs to be doing is REMOVE all metro from not touch devices. REMOVE it completely. I don't want to see anything metro on a 1440p 27 inch screen. It's a complete waste of time. Do AWAY with the metro-style network selector, do AWAY with the metro-style start menu, do AWAY with any metro-style control panel, AWAY with the metro-style windows store, AWAY with the metro-style software selector (for unknown file types), AWAY with the purple, AWAY with the metro-style login screen, AWAY with the useless BSOD, AWAY with all mentions of "apps" instead of "software" or "programs", AWAY with charms and any screen's-edge UI...Just do away with metro and I'll upgrade. Otherwise, Microsoft, you'll never see my money ever again.
I don't know if you would consider them useful but Update 1 brings a lot of other changes like titlebars for Metro apps, Metro apps show on the taskbar, and the taskbar can be brought up on the Start Screen (its not always visible though).Any other useful features instead of just boot to desktop with this update?