Windows 8 massive lag spikes (need help fast)

Jan 7, 2019
So for a while now my computer would be perfectly fine but when i'm playing a game often it would have a huge lag spike for about 5 seconds to 1 minute and this lag spike is so bad that i get like 1-3 fps and my sound is all glitchy. But its only on games. I have managed to fix it on 2 games by updating my video driver or graphics driver or what ever it's called. But on every other game it still does this and its getting worse. I don't know how to check my computer stats but I can tell you its a windows 8.1 laptop please help
Laptops run HOT
When they get hot they slow down a lot, especially when gaming.
It is probably a heat issue, you should use some software to see what your temperatures are when it starts to lag.
Laptops are awful gaming machines unless its specifically a gaming laptop and even then it's not as good as a PC
I do not think it is heat that is the issue. Once my laptop went up to 80 c and yes that is very bad but when i had a lag spike it was at 60. So maybe it's something else? Also im pretty sure its only online games but then again when i go onto the single player on normally multi-player games i'll still lag