in other news: windows XP pro, Vista Business, and 7 pro all retailed for $200. Nobody actually pays $200 because everyone either gets the $140 OEM, or a cheaper bulk license, but the retail version of Windows Pro has been $200 for over 10 years... this is nothing new.
However, in a world where MS is more directly competing with the likes of Apple who has $40 OS upgrades, and Android is free (If you have a supported device, and If your manufacturer decides to support it properly, and If you wireless carrier isnt a prick), I would think that lowering the overall price would be a much better idea. I would think $50 for home OEM and then $75 for pro OEM (double the price for a retail copy) would be much more appropriate in today's world (and then stiff us on xBox live memberships, skydrive memberships, office360 memberships, and all the other monthly subscriptions that MS is making their bread and butter on now).