Windows 8 Touch PC Demand is Strong, Say Analysts

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Duh? They made it so damn touch friendly. I recently upgraded, and one of the first things my friend did while checking out the OS was reach out with his hand and smear his finger-prints on my monitor (not, I do not have a touch-screen and he knows this).

I believe Surface pro, and surface pro-Like x86 capable tablets will have a huge demand if priced and marketed appropriately. meanwhile, I think the desktop may just turn into a high-end workstation, or gaming console, or NAS, essentially serving niche needs


Mar 30, 2009
How about a touch screen that will shock users that have dirty fingers? Maybe it will get people to wash their hands more often, and as a side effect the screens will be dirt free :)

While I may not want a touch screen PC, I definitely am interested in touch for a laptop or tablet. I have always been unsatisfied with the touchpad on laptops. Touch screens would be a welcome improvement and of course tablets would be touch.


Hay ZaK, IDC = Spindoctors, IHS iSuppli are the ones that predicted windows phone os would overtake iOS in 2009!


A lot of people seems to think of $1100 is the standard price for Windows 8 tablets because Surface Pro has been announced at this price. Actually the Windows 8 tablets using Core i5 models ranges from $800 to $1300, depending on the vendor, with Acer Iconia W700 currently being the cheapest (but with 64Gb SSD and i3, +$100 for 128Gb SSD). The prices are more expensive because Intel Core CPU are a lot more expensive than ARM CPU.

Also, if you do not need the performance of Core i3/i5 tablets, there are several Atom based tablets which is a lot cheaper, some are even in the range of Surface RT. The battery life is much longer than Core i3/i5 models as well, at the cost of the CPU performance.

Next year the battery life may improves further and the prices are likely to drop when Intel releases new CPU, and vendors start to adopt AMD APU into the mix.


Jul 5, 2010
the downside is if they'll make touch screen it'll be more expensive. And what about the gamers perspective? do we benefit in touch screens when playin? dont think so.


Feb 10, 2009
Even though i don`t see myself editing my work in premiere with anything else than mouse and keyboard i see a lot of people actually being afraid of trying newer input devices that ar based around touch and gestures, guess if apple came with something similar for Mac OS it would have been called revolutionary... or maybe we should just wait few years just like the table ,remember MS came with a tablet in 2001 everyone went "meh" 6 years latter at Apple ... "revolutionary" ... just give it a try before bashiung it


Jan 16, 2007
i have been using asus transformer pad for 4 months now, gaming using touch screen won't give you much excitement with different games, games for touch screen are for kids and young at heart just wanting to entertain themselves


Feb 8, 2012
[citation][nom]tonitelaoag[/nom]i have been using asus transformer pad for 4 months now, gaming using touch screen won't give you much excitement with different games, games for touch screen are for kids and young at heart just wanting to entertain themselves[/citation]
Why else would you play games than to entertain yourself?


Jun 11, 2008
There are several devices coming out that will allow you to convert your non-touch screen into a touch-friendly one.

Logitech has a neat pad that you can touch instead of the screen, and some of the other devices work without actually touching those screens, too; many of us don't want them touched, shuddering at the image of all those fingerprints marring the view, but I think having that kind of interface in addition to the keyboard and mouse will catch on when these devices get released and become well-known.

The Win 8 sales for desktops are no surprise, because people love Win 7 and have little reason to upgrade. Some of us do, even though we don't particularly have a need for the touch interface right now, but most don't, and I personally wouldn't recommend upgrading from Win 7 unless you had a very specific reason for doing so.

I plan to bump my Vista machine up to Win 8, mostly because of TRIM support for the SSD, but I'll skip Win 8 on my other system that already has Win 7 and TRIM support.


"O'Donnell added that non-touch Windows 8 PCs aren't faring as well"

No s#!t, Sherlock!
For software development and other activities that involve a fair amount of document editing, a touch panel is useless. In enterprise environments, add to that the cost of migrating to W8, the cost of upgrading or changing any piece of incompatible software - usually this sort of thing has a ripple effect amplifying the initial cost estimations, the cost of retraining the non-geek personnel and an initial decrease in productivity for the others.
This is just a superficial analysis and you can already see the W8 PC failure coming a mile away.


Jun 8, 2007
Really? odd because i have never seen any on store shelves and my suppliers never had any in stock and my store has never sold one or even a single customer ask about one.
If the demand is so good why does the largest pc seller in canada not have any even listed??.


Oct 5, 2009
I have a Thinkpad Twist and can tell you firsthand that it's difficult to make the transition from mouse to touchscreen, at least in the business world, but it works. I have all but done away with my mouse and rely heavily on the touchscreen more than anything else.

I work in IT and am responsible for many systems at many locations. Win8's integration into Server 2012 is quite helpful, but there's nothing better than being able to have a lightweight touchscreen to do simple tasks on the fly.


I would not touch windows 8 with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole! Stay on Tablets You Crappy OS, and give PC Buyers the right to get their new hardware with windows 7! Your adware/crapware UI should not be sucking the blood from any usefull OS! Windows 7 is an OS, Windows 8 is an airplane crash on top of a train wreck wrapped in natural disaster!


Aug 26, 2011
So, getting back to facts and the story of the article and out of the flame wars, it would seem that there is a clear disconnect. There has been poor factual evidence of diminished functionality of a traditional mouse and keyboard in Win 8. Aside from that, this isn't exactly surprising. A new OS is out and it features touch-based functions, obviously consumers are going to want to take advantage of the touchscreen. If they're having problems keeping touchscreens in supply, then like any other industry sales are going to suffer.

The one thing all these analyst reports prove is that its better to just wait for actual facts. All this guessing is getting exhausting.
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