Windows 8 Usage Growing, But Still Behind Windows Vista

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I won't be making the switch to Win 8 either. I have messed with it a couple times helping people out with new laptops, and I despise it. Metro does not belong on a PC. Leave it on phones and tablets where it belongs.


Jun 1, 2006
I seriously have to wonder how many people work for MS or get paid by them in some manner to think WIN8 is great. First of all, Win7 is the windows vista kernel. Windows NT was developed by IBM. Windows XP was developed by IBM, WIN VISTA was developed by IBM, Win7 was lightened by MS, win8 was lightened by MS (i am strickly speaking the kernel here). The reason people (like myself) still use WIN VISTA (only on a virtual machine, im Linux Debian all the way on my 4 physical machines and on my 8 virtual servers) is because Windows 7 is just the windows vista backbone. Why should consumers have to pay for MS to fix their bad programming/business decissions?


Mar 15, 2011
The only reason usage is "growing" is because it is forced onto new buyers... you do not have a choice with new laptops / run-of-the-mill desktops.

My friend bought a new non-TS laptop... told me she had no choice. I offered to install W7 before she gets too much stuff on it to move easily... she didn't even think about it for a second before saying yes. She had it for 3 weeks so she definitely had time to try it out.

W8 is pure shit as far as productivity goes.


Jan 1, 2011
Sales figures of Windows 8 are only the result of exclusive business deals between Microsoft and their OEM's. This is what you get from a Monopoly. You go to a store to buy a computer and you have no choice but Win 8? This does not have anything to do with supply and demand, or consumers who are given a choice.


Nov 23, 2008
{{From Article}} Adoption reportedly isn't as quick as Microsoft would like, possibly due to a lack of affordable touch-based solutions and consumer reluctance to change.
Geez, same ole excuse. It HAS nothing to do about CHANGE that is causing the FAILURE of Windows8. Its that its NOT GOOD change... its a crappy way of doing things. Win8 is ugly, it does a lot of things stupid and the end goal is to eventually kill off the Window GUI.

Metro is the goal.


Nov 23, 2008
[citation][nom]edogawa[/nom]Windows 8 isn't really an upgrade over 7, and with Metro, people do not want to change to that "confusing" GUI.I think the hate for Windows 8 is justified to a point, yes metro is terrible for the desktop PC, but the operating system itself is fantastic.[/citation] Nobody is slamming the OS itself... many good improvement tweaks to the OS. But the GUI design and interaction is crap. Having 3 code bases for their Win8 products is stupid... they are calling NON WindowsOS "Windows". MS is failing on all 3 fronts, as predicted. (X86 / RT / Phone)

Either they were going to FEED each other and make the market explode... *OR* it was going to be rejected by many people who will then NOT buy the other stuff. So... WP8 phone sales suffer as does the tablet market. Meanwhile, the iPod, iPhones and iPads has caused some people to switch to MacOS for their computers.

Everything Microsoft does now... is stupid... their actions show it.

[citation][nom]dalethepcman[/nom]I see Windows 8 really taking off once Leap motion\Kinect 2\Gesture devices are released and showcased. While touchscreens are all the fad for portable devices, the chocolate or pb&j smear on my screen is less than desirable. Smudges aside, when you have a stationary device would you prefer to walk up and touch it, or just wave your hand at it?They (microsoft) should have held back on Metro until it (and its ecosystem) were truly ready. In forcing people to use an immature Metro, it has left a bad taste in many of their mouths. [/citation] Yep, kind of. The WindowsOS desktop was/is shrinking... and Win8 has only made it worse. Yeah, I think a non-touch interface will most likely be the future - for a home consumer device. But we are not even close to that. I've played with one of the new Samsung Smart TVs in the store where you use your hands to control the TV. Overall, it took a WHOLE lot more work than simply using the normal remote. Imagine sitting on the sofa with a girlfriend or family and you have to wave your arms to raise the volume or anything else? In the store, you had to be at a certain place and a certain distance to work... it was crumble-some.

MS attempted to shove Win8/TIFKAM up everyones asses and it shows. I've already started going full time Linux on my home computers BECAUSE of Windows8. If or When MS makes an OS that works... I doubt it will matter much, I and others will have moved on.

When you include tablets and phones of all current tech (Android / iOS / MS / etc) - MS as a whole, has about 24% of the marketshare. Windows 8 isn't doing a damn thing... in fact, Win7 marketshare GREW.

[citation][nom]CarolKarine[/nom]windows 8 actually isn't that bad. I upgraded from windows 7 cause I got win 8 for 70 USD, thought why not? I can sell it for more than what I bought it for if it's bad.anyways, it boots 3 times faster, it's snappier, more secure, and the metro UI, while not intuitive at start, lets me move icons I don't want on my desktop to somewhere other than folders.[/citation] AHA!! Spoken like a typical Win8 supporter when you say "windows 8 actually isn't that bad". That is not something that a Windows 7 user says. All you guys are funny that way. Okay, I *DID* wipe out Win8 off my core2 notebook... I stuck on LinuxMint ($0) MATE version.... and it boots about as fast as Win8. Its snappier, more secure... the GUI options have actual styles... and is easier to learn than TIFKAM.

You and others may say Linux isn't compatible with Windows... nether is WindowsRT or Metro Apps.


Jun 2, 2012
Thanks for taking the words out of my mouth Belardo. Pretty much everything you've been saying above is the way I have been feeling. Heck some flavors of Linux GUI are more windows like than Windows8 ModernUI for ease of use. And soundping, you're right. We are staying away. There is one guy in our department who is running it on a test machine but he couldn't stand it and had to load Start8. Something we can't do company wide due to SOX compliance.


Nov 23, 2008
[citation][nom]billgatez[/nom]Windows 7 went up 0.18 % Well Windows 8 went up only 0.5 %My guess is they will move to Win7 as teaching people to deal with 8 is time consuming.[/citation] XP viewers won't be able to go to windows7 when MS stops producing new DVDs.


Nov 23, 2008
[citation][nom]billgatez[/nom]Windows 7 went up 0.18 % Well Windows 8 went up only 0.5 %My guess is they will move to Win7 as teaching people to deal with 8 is time consuming.[/citation] XP viewers won't be able to go to windows7 when MS stops producing new DVDs. When win7 came out, vista disappeared quickly off the shelves. This is not the same thing with win8, anyone can see this.


Mar 12, 2013
Windows 8 is faster than Windows 7, I personally prefer Windows 8 on touch screens but is also usable on PC. Check out if you want to learns the tips and tricks that can make working with Windows 8 not so confusing.


Apr 5, 2013
I honestly don't have any issues (well, with the exception of a nagging clock bug) with Windows 8. I'd really like to see iOS and Android factored in though, since the survey sees fit to include Windows RT.


Dec 29, 2007
Wow, Win 8=Windows Bob (wasn't much better than ME either). It still sold, but a previous iteration of windows was still preferred over it, just like Bob (and Win 9X). Change for the sake of change is not best. Please stop trying to put a touch based (Beta) UI on a Desktop system, and expext us to like it (when we have to install 3rd party software to fix your f-up).

Jawad Abdulwahed

Apr 5, 2013
i just wish that all the games and programs emigrates to linux as we do whatever we want not they make it to us and forces us to used whatever they want ....


Jun 2, 2012

Yes, Yes. I know the shortcuts and I've used win8 for weeks, tried to make it mine (without installing Start8 because we aren't supposed to) and the point is without a touch interface (or even with touch in an office environment) it's awkward, cumbersom and frankly just a mess. Looking at the start screen reminds me of when I worked at DirecTV. We had a wall in the lobby area that was full of 25 20" TV's all on their own channel. It's like standing in front of that with every icon loading it's individual information, flipping to commercial and all of them doing it at their own pace. Gawd! It's awful. If your ADHD craves this type of interface then have fun. I can't stand it, it's not relaxing or user friendly.
[citation][nom]lradunovic77[/nom]Windows 8 wouldn't even have 3.17% If people were giving choice when they buy a new computer.[/citation]

We are given a choice. All of the major OEMs still sell systems with 7.

[citation][nom]belardo[/nom]XP viewers won't be able to go to windows7 when MS stops producing new DVDs.[/citation]

You can still buy new Win 2000 and XP codes online. I don't see buying Windows 7 even ten years from now being an issue.



Joe six pack walking into Best Buy or Walmart doesn't get that choice. They get whatever is available in the store. I haven't seen a Win 7 machine in store for awhile now.


Aug 29, 2012
again, I just like the boot times. The new task manager is nice. basically, everything they added to the desktop is good, and everything the removed needed to stay. (and everything they added outside the desktop is terrible)



I see Win 8 as nothing more but change just for the sake of changing. Metro is a flaming pile of ugliness. I don't care what study they made that made them decide to get rid of the start button. Their data is obviously flawed. The lack of start button seems to be the largest complaint with Metro not far off. At least Apple was smart enough to know what needed to be on desktop and what belonged on a tablet or phone. They work great together but are not the same. M$ apparently thinks that it should all have the same look. I don't think the general public agrees. All it is doing is driving people to look into Apple when they never would before. Others that are more tech inclined seem to be looking into Linux or just keeping Win 7. I am in the latter crowd as I refuse to own anything from Apple.


Dec 2, 2012

You nailed it.

Win8 is as was Coca-Cola 's "New" Coke .... only MS's management are too dimwitted to grasp it.

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