windows 98se floppy disk

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Personally, I wouldn't consider Quake 3 "classic gaming". Q3 runs just fine with WinXP. Probably better than with Win98SE.
And is available under Steam. As is Q1, Q2, and Q4. And various versions of Unreal.

I've been thinking of sporting out the $9.99 for Q1 on Steam (my all time favorite game), rather than going through the machinations of getting some old hardware running to install and run it.



For games, Win98 or XP. You can maybe make it work with Win2000, but that is primarily NT based and does not have the gaming subsystems needed.

Yes, Q3 is a classic game. That whole series is my favorite.
But for me...'classic' or 'vintage' gaming would be pre Quake 1 games. Commander Keen era and before.

And if I'm not mistaken, I got my original copy of Q1 running just fine on Windows 7 a year or so ago. I'll have to try it again, and also with Q3.