Hi everyone,
This issue suddenly started yesterday for no apparent reason. At first I can click on around the start home page move mouse and left, right click. However If i try . clicking the start bar it does not come up unless i click it 10 times and will constantly not respond.
If I try clicking the homepage again from the non responding start menu it will take ages respond and I will have to click it multiple times anything nothing happens.
List of actions taken so far:
Completely resinstalled windows,- however even with the operating system cd i noticed the same non response issue on a particular page. it would take an extra 6-7 seconds to be able to click somewhere.
Change Operating System Harddrive
Take each ram stick out and test same result for each in different slots
Changing the CMOS battery
Taking Soundcard and GPUS out
Latest Bios installed
Temps are fine
I really dont understand why this problem would suddenly start , i noticed it first yesterday while in chrome I could not click the address bar at all. .
From everything i've tried it looks like either a PSU or Motherboard issue. But they are boh pretty much brand new.
My Specs are:
Sabertooth Z87
i7 4770k
8 GB Ram
1000w RM PSU
This issue suddenly started yesterday for no apparent reason. At first I can click on around the start home page move mouse and left, right click. However If i try . clicking the start bar it does not come up unless i click it 10 times and will constantly not respond.
If I try clicking the homepage again from the non responding start menu it will take ages respond and I will have to click it multiple times anything nothing happens.
List of actions taken so far:
Completely resinstalled windows,- however even with the operating system cd i noticed the same non response issue on a particular page. it would take an extra 6-7 seconds to be able to click somewhere.
Change Operating System Harddrive
Take each ram stick out and test same result for each in different slots
Changing the CMOS battery
Taking Soundcard and GPUS out
Latest Bios installed
Temps are fine
I really dont understand why this problem would suddenly start , i noticed it first yesterday while in chrome I could not click the address bar at all. .
From everything i've tried it looks like either a PSU or Motherboard issue. But they are boh pretty much brand new.
My Specs are:
Sabertooth Z87
i7 4770k
8 GB Ram
1000w RM PSU