Help guys, I just assembled my new pc, it's an msi970a-g43 and I've got a 1TB sata and an SSD, I have already installed windows on the Sata disk but I still can't get the SSD to. In the installation when I have to choose a disk on the bottom appears, "Windows cannot be installed to this disk" and something to do with it not being bootable, it's first boot so no, but the installation continues until the first restart when it's supposed to finish the last bits of the installation, I instead get the windows black screen, logon.exe error. Tried running repair after the installation and did startup repair but it got nothing.
I've set sata mode to AHCI, enabled fast boot on the bios, formated and erased the hard drive multiple times with diskpart. What could it be?
I've set sata mode to AHCI, enabled fast boot on the bios, formated and erased the hard drive multiple times with diskpart. What could it be?