Question "Windows Could Not Finish Configuring the System" error after (intentionally, unintentionally) running Sysprep.


Jun 3, 2021
Okay terrible backstory is, I ran Sysprep because I listened to a guide that I shouldn't have. Anyways I got my M.2 SATA SSD working on a PCI card so that's now a problem out of the question.

So I ran Sysprep, when I shouldn't have, on my SSD. I'm not deploying anything and there was no need for me to have run it, but I did. It was my mistake. So now I cannot boot into that windows/SSD (currently trying to fix it with another SSD with windows on it.) I get the error "Windows Could Not Finish Configuring the System" I've looked it up and managed to make a .CSV for the setup.ETL and I get quire a few "Failed" in there. I need help trying to figure out what those are and what I can fix or otherwise, how can I just load back into that drive?

I cannot get into it besides just scouring the files through Windows so I can't just boot into it.

If there is any way to just pass the Sysprep shenanigans I just did that would be neat but otherwise I'm out of luck unless I can fix the various issues within the Sysprep itself.

"SclRegProcessKeySubkeys@773 : SclCreateKey failed to open child key [Upfc], returning STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; will try with lowered access rights"
"SclCreateKey failed to open child key [WaaSMedic], returning STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; will try with lowered access rights"
"SclCreateKey failed to open child key [Configuration], returning STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; will try with lowered access rights"
"SclRegProcessKeySubkeys@773 : SclCreateKey failed to open child key [APPCLEANERPLUGIN], returning STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; will try with lowered access rights"
"SclCreateKey failed to open child key [AUTOMATICCORRUPTIONREPAIRPLUGIN], returning STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; will try with lowered access rights"

That list can go on for awhile so there has to be a common problem between them right? I wouldn't know how to fix it. All searches for relevant issues online lead to nothing I can use or understand with the little context they give.

I am at a total loss and cannot fix this issue myself with the knowledge I have and the resources I've been searching through. I can provide more information should I need to.

Lastly, on this new PC I cant even get the card to show up as bootable to in the BIOS. But I figure that's a separate issue I can fix later or because of Sysprep. I can always put one of my other graphics cards into my old PC build (which is still with me) and test it on there but otherwise I am unable to do anything about my issue on it.