Windows Loading Screen Stuttering

Click on the DDU logo below to download it. When you run it, it will ask if it can go into Safe Mode, select Yes. Once it is in safe mode, it will offer you three choices on what to do, select the top (recommended) one. Let it do its thing. When it is done, all traces of all previous video card drivers will be gone (except in safe mode which uses a special "safe mode" only driver.

Click on the Nvidia logo below to get to the Nvidia video drivers download page, download the latest ones, and install them.

Then restart your system.

Im using a Samsung HDTV and my system is set to 1920x1080 which is the recommended resolutionaccording to windows. Might it have something to do with having DSR active on the Nvidia card?

Nothing but the video card should ever know the higher resolution image was created inside of the video cards memory. The whole point of DSR is to draw it big in its own memory, sample the big image back down to the needed resolution, still in memory, and send the correct resolution to the monitor, with a lot less jaggies than the image would have had if it had simply created it at the needed resolution.

But, it never hurts to find out. Go into the Nvidia Control Panel, and turn off DSR, and see if that fixes things. If it does, leave it off. If it does not, then decide if you want to leave it on or off.
What version of Windows are you using?

Change out the cable you are using between the video card and the TV.

I have run that a few times here at 2560x1080, and the dots on the screen that show up just below the Windows logo look like possible video memory corruption. If using a different cable does not resolve the issue, I would try a clean video driver install next.

I want to know what version of Windows you have before I give you instructions on the clean install.
Click on the DDU logo below to download it. When you run it, it will ask if it can go into Safe Mode, select Yes. Once it is in safe mode, it will offer you three choices on what to do, select the top (recommended) one. Let it do its thing. When it is done, all traces of all previous video card drivers will be gone (except in safe mode which uses a special "safe mode" only driver.

Click on the Nvidia logo below to get to the Nvidia video drivers download page, download the latest ones, and install them.

Then restart your system.
