Windows Media Player 11 - Only two speakers (of 5) with sound


Jan 11, 2010

I'm trying for the first time to play music from my PC on my home theater system. The problem is that sound is only coming out of two of the five speakers.

Here's my setup:
- Windows XP with SP2
- Windows Media Player 11
- RealTek AC97 sound card
- Cable running from 3.5mm audio jack on rear of PC to Audio Input (RCA Red and White) jack on Panasonic home theater SA-HT75

I've done quite a bit of research and tried several changes to various setting on my PC (e.g. change Speaker settings in Control Panel to "5.1 surround sound speakers") without any luck.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the response. I'm far from a computer expert - so I hope this isn't a dumb question.

How can I determine what the correct driver settings should be? Or whether I need to install new drivers? If I do need to install different drivers, how do I know which drivers to install?

The 3.5 jack will only carry stereo.
It only has 2 wires.
It isnt capeable of producing surround sound output.

If your reciever has the ability you will need to run all of the wires out of the computer into the input of the reciever.

Check it out on the realtek website and you will get the right kind of drivers
In the driver settings you may have to configure the 5.1 settings in order to get the sound
Finally got it working. Solution was a setting on my home theater system. For the input I was using, AUX, had to select "Super Surround" for music mode. Now sound is coming through on all five speakers.
i have the same sound card in my desktop.... the mic port doubles as a rear speaker output. and the line in port is the center/sub output. that is... if it is setup with the realtek audio manager. and not the windows one. otherwise. it wont work.