Windows Phone 8.1 Users Won't Get Windows 10 Update Until 2016

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I'll be moving back to android, the only problem is finding a sturdy phone with a great camera like my Nokia 1020. Emphasis on sturdy; some of those high end androids look and feel like they'll snap in half holding it wrong.
I'll be moving back to android, the only problem is finding a sturdy phone with a great camera like my Nokia 1020. Emphasis on sturdy; some of those high end androids look and feel like they'll snap in half holding it wrong.
Don`t be such a whiner about it, i have Lumia 930 on Win 10 insider for some time, the OS is pretty solid, if you really want it you can join the Insider program and enjoy it.

I like it that now i can make 4 rows on tiles on my screen :)

My Lumia 630 has had excellent support. I wonder, do you (digitaldoc) have your 635 from american phone carrier company? They have very bad reputation of offering updates.
In here Europe the updates have come very fast! So if that is the case you can blame only those lazy USA based companies that does not give ready upgrades to their consumers...

When they get non beta win10 to those new phones, they have more time to iron out bugs that are still in win10 for those older phones. Win8 for phones works very nicely, so they can wait for a little longer. But if 950 and 550 does not get non beta version of win10 soon, there is much bigger problems!
I have a UK 735 and I recently used the Insiders app to upgrade to 10 and I could not be happier. Yes, W10m has a few glitches here and there but in my experience over the last 2 weeks it runs faster and smoother than 8.1 was and has many more options to play around with.
I thought that early 2016 was the expected release timeframe for the Win10 updates for quite some time - especially once you factor in carriers.

"Windows Phone users -- those few and long suffering -- have been eagerly awaiting the impending update to Windows 10 for phones."

8.1 has been working fine for me. I'm not exactly chomping at the bit for 10. If I was I'd be running the preview, feedback has been pretty good on the recent builds.

I have a Nokia 635, and it is on Tmobile. I criticize M$ for not releasing Win 10 on time for the phone. The app support is also weak, and they recently shut down the Health & Fitness app, taking away one of the few apps that actually was decent on the phone.

On top of it, the built in Podcast app cannot find several podcasts when I enter them, and does not indicate when a new podcast is available.
I have a 1020, and I can wait for an update next year. Software is still working and solidly stable. I am not moving to Android, because I am not into Apps... I'll be getting a 950 though

Ohim, Windows Insider is not an a fully featured OS, it is essentially a BETA. As a customer, I should not have the need to go online and make a research on how to install a BETA on my device, nor should I be inclined to do so in the FIRST place.

Microsoft is doing it to save money and have as little as possible invested into proper QA and the needed human resources for that matter. I would understand the following if it was coming from a small company that does not have the necessary budget or the back end funding support to release an idea to the market and would need to find a way to release their product to their users to be able to still stay in the market or to have their product get to a good start, upon official release.

Apple has done wonders with their iPhone 4s device, by releasing OS updates and bug fixes to the public (and I am not a big fan of Apple and have never been one), but seeing a device that was released in 2011 still getting software updates is something to think about.

They have been working on their Windows Phone operating system for some time now, by creating one Core Kernel that would essentially work on a range of hardware (which takes a long time to develop and to debug) and conquer the market back again (which is not a bad idea, but they needed to work it out good from the get go, by releasing Windows 10 to all of their devices simultaneously and not one at a time).

I had a Lumia 920 and I loved the OS on it, but as the time went by (I noticed that as a customer), I was left behind (compared to my Android and iOS peers, when it came to OS updates and Feature implementations). I went and purchased a Lumia 830 and recently I found out that it is discontinued.

Microsoft also indicated that some devices will have an update this month and now they're saying that it will not be until next year? I don't know what to say.
I went and purchased a Lumia 830 and recently I found out that it is discontinued.

Microsoft also indicated that some devices will have an update this month and now they're saying that it will not be until next year? I don't know what to say.

Lots of phones are discontinued. That doesn't really mean anything. It's still supported and will get Win10.

Did they indicate that older phones were getting official Win10 this month? I think the Win10 updates right now are for phones running the Preview, vider. It's actually improving all the time - in no small part thanks to those of you out there testing and giving feedback. Anyway, even when Win10 is RTM for phones, they still have to work with carriers to push it out. Hurray Verizon. Probably will drag their feet again, try and beat concessions out of MS, and if they sell a flagship they'll make sure to hide it in a dark corner and never show it to customers. I started ordering phones online just to avoid their sales staff.

Of course I could go to a corporate store and just tell them that they're NOT a Jedi and that this IS the phone I'm looking for. That would either make them laugh or confuse the heck out of them.
Hopefully they'll have ironed out the (many) bugs by then. Right now, wouldn't wish it on anyone but the most hard core. My wife and Mum both use 8.1 phones but having used a 950 XL with 10 for a week I couldn't expose them to it at the moment.
Windows 10 update for older phones sounds great. although I am happy to wait until it is ready. Love Windows phone, but there is not way I would swap my L920 for a Iphone or Galaxy. Love wireless charging, the look and feel and the strength of the phone itself.
It's understandable that MS would want to push back the release of the W10 update.
The only beef I have with my Lumia 950, is that MS released W10 a tad too soon. It's a great phone otherwise, and the OS is pretty neat too, only not quite as stable as I'd hoped.
For those who can't wait, there's still the Insider Preview.
As a geek, I love novelty and I understand the frustration of many WP 8.1 users, but they are after all stuck with a stable and perfectly working OS. It's not that bad and the average guy and my parents would say: "why fix what ain't broken".
On the other side, I own the Lumia 950XL and until last thursday's updates, it was quite a disaster to use as a daily driver (Bluetooth issues, battery drain, incorrect notification count on the live tiles,...). It's a step back compared to WP 8.1 and not what you would expect from a pretty expensive flagship phone.
Since the last update, however, things seem to have settled down and the phone begins to reveal it's potential,
MS's strategy to focus on providing a good software for the 950 serie first (because it was sold "unfinished"!) before bringing older models on the boat is quite understandeable.
Guys, I'm using Windows 10 mobile from more than 3 months and honestly It's far from ready! Expect to wait for another (at least) 3 months until the official release and even then there will be more work to be done. It's slow, it's buggy and from some time it's freaking me out with the dumb decisions that they make. I'm waiting for this release from June and I'm on the edge to jump to Android and close the door for Windows mobile.
I'll be moving back to android, the only problem is finding a sturdy phone with a great camera like my Nokia 1020. Emphasis on sturdy; some of those high end androids look and feel like they'll snap in half holding it wrong.

Maybe buy a DECENT phone like a Nexus 5X or 6P rather than the ultra cheap Android ones XD
Hi guys--It looks like many of you are experiencing issues with your 950/950 XL handsets. This is interesting. I'd like to gather your collective experiences...maybe there's a pattern here. If you have a minute, and you've been using a 950/950 XL, I'd love to hear about it: Shoot me a DM!

Seth (News Director, Tom's Hardware)
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