News Windows preview build teases searching your audio and video content — 'intelligent media search' referenced in newest build

This is truly evil and despicable.

Microsoft has spent a few years now transforming Windows OS into an advertisement platform so that Microsoft can (even paying customers!) monetize the users and create more money. It's super self-serving.

Now, Microsoft feigns this angelic "oh you can search your music, oh your videos" but let's not kid ourselves here. This is so Microsoft can scan your files and get a better idea of who you are, and target even further those advertisements.

What a grotesque, disgusting racket.

That's exactly what this is about. Just follow the money. You can always find the answer if you follow the money.

It's just like Recall. They only want to scan so they can increase their ad revenue. It's ad placement and everybody knows it.
It's actually a really neat idea, but the privacy and security risks are apparent. It's a shame that Windows is known for being an insecure platform. These tools would otherwise be useful.
So they're going to scrape all your files, presumably to mine data and train their AI.

I guess that's one way to dodge copyright law, force users to waive their rights, and avoid paying creators and the platforms they use to license that content.

Did you know that every time you log into Windows, you're also consenting to an arbitration agreement? So good luck suing them over this, Taylor Swift.
Contrary to most of the comments, I'd say I like it. And I'm generally against ai, but in this case I think it actually might be useful. Not everyone has an OCD syndrome and categorize everything. If a locally trained ai indexes my files then I'm ok with that. If ms takes this training data then ok again, what are they gonna do with it? Let's wait for EULA.
As someone who recoils at the mere mention of AI, I like the sound of this. I am a little concerned though, what if you have vids you don’t want to come up in searches…
It keeps getting worse. If you're complaining, time to switch to Linux, or back to Windows 10 while it's still supported, or maybe a stripped down version like Tiny11.
I was thinking.. what do I want from an OS.

Works properly with processor …
Presents a coherent interface to work with peripherals
Presents a coherent interface for software
Is as secure as is practicable
Works as a general purpose platform
Provides a simple user interface, not complicated, for me to use
Provides a low barrier learning curve for people coming to the OS
Provides an interface that is broadly consistent over updates
Is a low overhead to the computer hardware, processor cycles should be allocated to programmes.
Is not invasive or intrusive, does not phone home unless I explicitly authorise the report.

Win 2k and Win 7 did most of the above and did it well.

There is a concept “ivory tower” engineering, make something simple, tweak it.. extend, tweak, extend.. eventually what you have performs similar tasks but does so in a way that has iteratively become more and more complicated. You can give the V1 to a novice and they will easily use it… V10 assumes so much prior knowledge that it is unusable without training.

Putting “spyware” by design into a system is horrendous. Even if the “Recall” function works wholly within the host PC, no onward transmission, it is still potentially risky… hackers anyone?
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Ahh for those simpler days of Windows 95 OSR 2 when your O/S just worked without all the bloated Microsoft crap that few use and most don't want. Dual Core, 2Gb Ram, 120GB of storage, Soundblaster, Nivida TNT, 15in screen and a 56K modem was all you needed.
My brand new 1995 Windows 95 machine had a Pentium 133MHz CPU, 16MB RAM, 1.2 GB HD, 4MB ATI GPU, Sound Blaster 32 PnP and a 6 speed CD-ROM. I wouldn't even be able to load one tab in my Chrome browser with that today.
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I miss the time where my OS was a file system and a platform for making my hardware available to the applications I wanted to run.

I'd love to be able to avoid Windows, but as a gamer there is no real alternative. All that is left is cutting and blocking as much MS crap as possible.
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If this is a feature that I can turn on (so it's an opt-in thing) on the machine that needs it, runs locally and the data doesn't leave that machine, it would be really useful for me.

But it has to have those conditions, full stop.
Ahh for those simpler days of Windows 95 OSR 2 when your O/S just worked without all the bloated Microsoft crap that few use and most don't want. Dual Core, 2Gb Ram, 120GB of storage, Soundblaster, Nivida TNT, 15in screen and a 56K modem was all you needed.

*dons flame-proof fireman suit*

Screw that. As a developer, I have a supercomputer in my pocket, never mind my currently nine-year-old i7-6700 with Lord knows how many times more RAM than my first hard drive. Screw having to celebrate buying one megabyte of RAM just to have games playable. I don't miss having to wait minutes for pictures to download or gigantic phone bills. I can run multiple computers inside of my computer and have my own home lab. I definitely don't mind if I have to dial knobs for myself. And doing remote family tech support is a breeze today compared to the "good" old days. Imagine trying to help a parent change jumper settings on a soundcard over a WhatsApp video call!

Besides, we all know the real rush of retro computing is the thrill of the collection, not the using. Just don't tell my wife that. ;-)
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I sure am glad that windows searches all my files and takes screenshots which will naturally end up at every 3 letter government agency because of course they will. It saves me the trouble of manually putting myself on a watch list. /s
Windows 10 or 11 LTSC/IoT is looking better than ever.
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Nadella really is off the rocker. It isn't like AI has a bad rap in the enthusiast sector either, mainstream media is picking up on the privacy and IP risks. Every corporation planning on rolling out these "features" would do well to weigh their options here. ALL AI use is completely banned at the $40B corporation I work at, due to the massive security risks. We are not the first, we will not be the last.
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I know exactly where all my media files are. I meticulously categorize them in folders and subfolders, so I don't need Microsoft's bloodhound on my computer. You never know what hackers and agenda driven authorties could use that for.
I too have all my "media" meticulously categorized based on what you can see in them.