It keeps getting worse. If you're complaining, time to switch to Linux, or back to Windows 10 while it's still supported, or maybe a stripped down version like Tiny11.
I was thinking.. what do I want from an OS.
Works properly with processor …
Presents a coherent interface to work with peripherals
Presents a coherent interface for software
Is as secure as is practicable
Works as a general purpose platform
Provides a simple user interface, not complicated, for me to use
Provides a low barrier learning curve for people coming to the OS
Provides an interface that is broadly consistent over updates
Is a low overhead to the computer hardware, processor cycles should be allocated to programmes.
Is not invasive or intrusive, does not phone home unless I explicitly authorise the report.
Win 2k and Win 7 did most of the above and did it well.
There is a concept “ivory tower” engineering, make something simple, tweak it.. extend, tweak, extend.. eventually what you have performs similar tasks but does so in a way that has iteratively become more and more complicated. You can give the V1 to a novice and they will easily use it… V10 assumes so much prior knowledge that it is unusable without training.
Putting “spyware” by design into a system is horrendous. Even if the “Recall” function works wholly within the host PC, no onward transmission, it is still potentially risky… hackers anyone?