Windows see my external hdd but says there is 0 total disk space.


Nov 12, 2017
Hi, everyone i am new here and really quite angry. I have a dell latitude e6410. I know its old but its still a bad ass computer. so heres my all started when my hard rive bit the bullet long story short i can only run kali linux live so that is my issue...i got an external hdd and during the installl of windows 8 it is detected but its empty i guess. can some please help. Ive been working on this two weeks and am at my wits end. I NEED WINDOWS!!! Thanks
Windows doesn't like installing itself onto external hard drives. It can be done but not recommended. You can try to format it before installation. Try plugging the hard drive to another computer with windows and see if it works properly, then you can format it through command promt. If you don't have a computer available I think you can format the disk during the windows installation through command line. (I know you can with windows 10 not sure about 8) Try this and let me know what happens.

You need a new internal hdd or ssd. You can get 2.5" sata hdds for less that $30.,j9g323/

Im only installing it on the external as it is my last resort. I have a seagate 250 gb satabut bios isnt detecting it. I am assuming its drivers because linux sees it but wont mount. IDk i need windows to fix thing and linux to monitor things lol.