Question Windows to Linux smb shared folder not connecting


Aug 21, 2018
Hello. I have a question in relation to connecting to a samba shared folder from a Windows guest to a Linux host. I've installed samba on the linux machine and the SMB client on Windows 10 but when i try to connect from one tot he other i get "Windows cannot access \\\Desktop with the following dialog Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve network problems, click diagnose."
Ok on my linux machine I'm running
Version 4.20.4-Ubuntu-4.20.4+dfsg-1ubuntu1
and on the windows machine I have the preinstalled version, as in smb 1, at least i think it is.
Unless BOTH machines are running the SAME version of SMB you will never achieve connection. SMB v1 has been long deprecated in Windows, and unless you know what you are doing cannot be used by default. You can't operate on "at least i think it is", you have to know with certainty. That's why I provided a link above.