Windows Update Error Occurred (Ox8007042c)


Jan 4, 2018
Windows just updated and ruined abolutely so many things. I don't know how it messed up but now, I can't fix it. And what's worse, it seems as if my network drivers are acting up too from the update so I can't even rollback the update. I can't continue the update either. I'm honestly at a loss on what to do. There's so many small things that are acting up and I can't seem to fix any of them because of this windows update error. Someone please help
Ok hold on. The overall theme of your post is that an update for Windows completed, but after (i presume) a reboot, you're having a bunch of problems. At no point have you actually mentioned what any of those problems actually are.

Can you start with the most obvious, in-your-face issue you're having? Or perhaps if it's not the most obvious, but the most critical issue you need to resolve?

Let's also NOT jump to a complete reinstall of Windows yet. Something drastic like that should really be a last resort, not a first resort.
Ok hold on. The overall theme of your post is that an update for Windows completed, but after (i presume) a reboot, you're having a bunch of problems. At no point have you actually mentioned what any of those problems actually are.

Can you start with the most obvious, in-your-face issue you're having? Or perhaps if it's not the most obvious, but the most critical issue you need to resolve?

Let's also NOT jump to a complete reinstall of Windows yet. Something drastic like that should really be a last resort, not a first resort.
That error could be one or many things and it is as old as Windows 10. I am on a Windows insider build and that issue is still present.
The only way to get rid of it is by a clean install. I had a laptop that even resetting it did not help.
When I have encountered this error, I have spent up three days trying to find a fix for it.
I have even allow a couple of Microsoft techs connect to a PC and they could not even find the issue.
The issue is that the error pretty much means nothing, since in one computer was the network drivers but it also can be:
- A 3rd party Antivirus (Norton, McAfee, Kaspersky, etc) interfering with the update.
- But it also shows up when Windows own security interfere with the update process.
- SoftwareDistribution Folder content corruption.
- System files corrupted
- Even a file pending.xml located in the c:\Windows\winsxs\ folder could cause it.

Backing files and installing Windows will take a lot less time that trying to troubleshoot this error.