Windows vs MacOS


Jul 9, 2019
Hello guys , so i need a laptop for mainly heavy video editing and some "future proof" if that even exists. I have a not bad bugdet (1500 euros) and im trying to decide if its worth to go for macOs ( i like Apple things ) but i dont if its worth because when it touch to specs i seem very low ones comparing to windows pcs ! Especially only 8gb ram and ssd 128/256 (very low) even for macos i think?? Guys i want know your opinion about this? What should i go for

Thank you
"Future proof" is a tough ask, regardless of budget - things do move on at such a pace that makes it near impossible.

Typically, you're paying more of a premium for build quality & the whole Apple ecosystem opposed to raw specs. However, there's very good optimization in Mac specific programs which can be beneficial for video editing.

"Heavy" video editing though, you're going to want to look at the best raw specs for the money - and I fully expect the result of any investigation will land firmly with a Windows based laptop.

Where in Europe are you located, specifically?