Windows Won't boot past Starting Screen


Feb 7, 2012
Windows 7 64x won't boot past the "starting windows" screen and the flag appears on the screen very slowly and just stays there and the. I hear a click sound from the computer and my keyboard lights turn off but my mouse lights stay on.

The last two days the computer would randomly freeze and say the nvidia display driver stopped working and then started working again. So I downloaded slim drivers and updated everything and now it won't boot. I tried to reset to a later date but it says there are no saved backups.

Windows 7 64x Ultimate
I7 3770k
GTX 770 2G
16G Memory
Kingston 120G SSD (OS)
WD Caviar Blue 1T (Storage)
Asus Xonar DS sound card
Unknown WiFi Card
Everything Liquid Cooled

Just used startup repair and I think a bad driver is causing the issue. This is what I got:

Problem Event Name: startup repair offline
Problem Signature 01: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem sig 02: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem sig 03: unknown
Problem sig 04: 21198849
Problem sig 05: AutoFailover
Problem sig 06: 2
Problem sig 07: BadDriver
OS version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Try booting into safe mode, if successful then while in safe mode uninstall nvidia drivers because i suspect its corrupted. Download a known latest stable driver version for your graphics card from nvidia website only.
Try booting into safe mode, if successful then while in safe mode uninstall nvidia drivers because i suspect its corrupted. Download a known latest stable driver version for your graphics card from nvidia website only.