windows won't run - suspected HD problem


Jun 13, 2006
After a failed OC, i reset the CMOS and updated the BIOS and updated the time in the BIOS. When I tried to boot though, windows would be stable for 15 seconds then it would become highly unstable and refuse to run any programs. I managed to really qucikly have it start running super pi 32 million which passed with a normal score. Mem test returned no errors. So i tried chkdsk off the xp boot cd, it returned one error which was fixed, then none. The problem was still there, so i booted off the CD and reinstalled windows. Now it gets hung up on the welcome screen. Any ideas? This is happening on a 74 gig Raptor.
Did you format and install or just fix the current install? I suspect (but hey I may be wrong)that your problem may be a bios problem. I suffered this when I updated my the bios on my MSI board, my settings before the update for Ram and CPU were performance, after the update I had lockups and reboots. I discovered that when everything was set to fail safe or auto it ran smooth.

Give that a try, however you may have already. You may have an option to revert back to the old bios version as well.
You need to reformat and or partition that hd to make a clean install of the OS.

If you have some valuable files in that hd that you don't want to lose then take out that hd and place it in another pc. Then just retrieve and copy files and save to the pc, that is if you have another pc avialable.
i just meant by clean install that i didn't just try to repair it, but i haven't reformatted it. I think i'll try plugging the HD into another comp, then another hd into my current comp, then a hd check utility, and then reformat.