Windows xp mame software needed

apple tech geek

Aug 23, 2016
Hi i have a dell optiplex fx 160 (yup) and iam currently planning on installing windows xp to get a emulation system going
It has a atom 230 and some strange sis mirage gpu
Iam looking for software that starts full screen on xp and allows me to navigate with a controller
Planning on playing some older game consoles like snes and nes
I need it to be 1 usable on xp 2gb ram and single core cpu
2 Needs be usable withoit mouse and keyboard
3 starts up with xp full screen
And lastly 4 be easy to use
I tried some linux distros like
Ubuntu and lakka os but doesnt start nor live cd
This pc has wierd issues like in ubuntu the gpu doesnt work alot lf glitches and if it manages to boot it wil be not usable with gpu stuff same to tell with windows 10 this machine will not connect to internet (well maybe but not realy downloading stuff)
Any ideas?
Alternative linux distros are free for suggestions i can try to make a usb to test them out
Thx for your feed back
Question from apple tech geek : "Mame software needed"