Windows XP, SATA & DMA



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

After installing SP2 here at work, my system just refuses to work as it
used to.

Everything are so slow and apparently this has to do with hard disk
related operations. Though my SATA disks suppor UDMA6 they act like they
are in PIO mode.

I have tried far too many ways to fix this, either by using registry
hacks or by reinstalling hard disks and interfaces, yet no luck.

To be more specific the problem is when performing disk related
operations (search, copy etc).

In those cases the system almost collapses. This was not happening
before the SP2 installation.

The funny thing is that by installing the SP2 on my home pc I got my
disks at UDMA6 and everything is way faster.

Since I can't spend another weekend reinstalling XP, do you have any
idea on what I could do to make my disks work they way they are supposed to?

Thanks in advance,

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

You have tried installing the latest chipset drivers? I wasn't sure if
you meant you did this when you said you reinstaled the hard disks and
intefaces. This has fixed most of the problems similar to this. Also,
if you are running SATA RAID, you may want to reinstall the RAID drivers. 😉

Nathan McNulty

George E. Papadakis wrote:
> After installing SP2 here at work, my system just refuses to work as it
> used to.
> Everything are so slow and apparently this has to do with hard disk
> related operations. Though my SATA disks suppor UDMA6 they act like they
> are in PIO mode.
> I have tried far too many ways to fix this, either by using registry
> hacks or by reinstalling hard disks and interfaces, yet no luck.
> To be more specific the problem is when performing disk related
> operations (search, copy etc).
> In those cases the system almost collapses. This was not happening
> before the SP2 installation.
> The funny thing is that by installing the SP2 on my home pc I got my
> disks at UDMA6 and everything is way faster.
> Since I can't spend another weekend reinstalling XP, do you have any
> idea on what I could do to make my disks work they way they are supposed
> to?
> Thanks in advance,
> ---
> GP