Yes, but even if the benchmarks are better than what you have under XP, it still does not remove the fact that they will not be as fast as they could be. MS could continue to tweak various DirectX DLL calls and other procedures to make them more efficient. This does not, however, remove some of the fundamental issues with locking out the core from 3rd party developers. This is something the EU trade commission is already investigating and hopefully will force MS to revert this model.
Do you even hear what you're saying? Not to get into a political debate, but--isn't the whole idea of capitalism based on the idea that the people should decide what to buy and what not to? When the government calls all the shots, guess what? We'll have socialism.
It's really simple and logical: if lots of people agree with p05esto's post and refuse to buy Vista, then the EU doesn't have any reason to get involved. I do not believe the people are so stupid that the EU has to fix everything for them--while it may take time, everything that attempts to strangle the market eventually gets ousted or bettered regardless of lawsuits. Do you think the IE suit filed against MS over Windows 98 made MS do anything different? Nope, not one least bit. However, Firefox made MS make a better web browser...
(sigh) I hate to sound like I'm some ranting politician in a hardware forum, but the attitude that government knows best is an attitude allowing our government to destroy our world...and I'm not necessarily refering just to the whole Iraq thing, look at almost every single attempt from government to regulate businesses. Have any of them worked? Perhaps one of the early ones that forced two phone companies to split years ago did help, but that is the only one that comes to mind.
Actually, capitalism is based on the concept of dealers offering different products at competetive pricing. Capitalism is not a
carte blanche that you will get exactly what you want or need. It justs
suggests that different products should offer competeting features for different price-points. A Kia mini-van will never have the warranty of a Mercedes, because it would be stupid (from a financial standpoint).
Microsoft is NOT the only OS around. And you could (uselessly) argue that it's not even the best. But the cold, hard fact is that some 70-75% of all server and desktop systems use it. So, obviously, they've been doing something right over the last 25+ years. If it's not what you want, then somebody needs to really come with something better. Until then, MS will, defacto, control the market.
Piss on Vista. I hesitated about moving to XP from W2K. XP will be my last MS OS. By the time I need to move from XP Linux will be perfected and very real alternative, or Mac. Later Microsoft - your bloated and clunky DRM lovin, activation happy spyin ass OS has tested my patience for long enough.
People have been waiting for over 15+ years for Linux to be "perfected". It's simply never going to happen. Don't get me wrong, it is a decent system. But because it is open sourced, it will never be a "secure" system.