So I recently built a computer, every thing is working fine, except for my wi-fi. I have a wifi adapter. It's really inconvenient, especially when I'm gaming, or downloading things.
So for like 15 minutes, my wifi/internet is fast, perfect, but then *boom* it says "no internet, secured". This just keeps happening, even after I unplug the wifi adapter and rejoin my internet.
I've tried the command prompt thing, I've tried going into device manager<properties and doing what tutorials say; still not right. Basically, I've tried all that I can think of + more. Should I consider buying a new one? If so link me
I need some help, desperately...
So for like 15 minutes, my wifi/internet is fast, perfect, but then *boom* it says "no internet, secured". This just keeps happening, even after I unplug the wifi adapter and rejoin my internet.
I've tried the command prompt thing, I've tried going into device manager<properties and doing what tutorials say; still not right. Basically, I've tried all that I can think of + more. Should I consider buying a new one? If so link me
I need some help, desperately...