so as the topic goes witch one to buy? i have DDR-3 corsair value select 2gb per stick 1333mhz cl9. I made mistake - i didn't read the guides and buyed cl9 instead of cl7, but now i only see cl9 on 1600mhz ram sticks.So whitch is better ram sticks? that one witch has 1600mhz speed, but only cl9, or sticks - witch has 1333mhz speed, but cl7 instead of cl9.Also what maximum speed of ram's my motherboard supports? motherboard is ASUS M597A R2.0. Another question, witch manufacturer makes best ram sticks or witch ram stick model would be "bang for the buck" - good in performance but not too much on wallet? Last qestion - why ram slots on my motherboard are - 2 blue, and 2 black, even dual channel works in one black and one blue slots called "A1" and "B1",shouldn't ram sticks go to the same colour slots to get dual channel working?