Witcher 3 causes PC to restart randomly


Dec 28, 2013
I have been having this problem since 2 days now.
While playing the game, everything works fine, on ultra settings, with no overheating (max temp. 70). It has been working fine since the game as been released, and I have had no issues till recently. Nothing has changed on my PC since then.

Now, while playing the game, my PC just restarts. There are no errors, no lags, no game hang, etc. It just restarts as if some one pressed the hard restart button. Once the PC restarts, I start the game, and as soon as my previous save loads, the PC restarts again. (It restarts as soon as I enter play mode, has no problems while its showing the cut-scene while loading the game).
I have tried starting and loading the game for 7 times now, my PC restarts as soon as it loads, every single time.

This happens only with Witcher 3 at the moment. It has rendered the game unplayable, as it restarts my PC immediately on starting to play. I do not think it is a hardware issue, as the game has been working flawlessly before the last 2 days. This PC restart problem is completely new, and pretty continuous in occurrence. I was thinking these sudden restarts might be because of the PSU, but I just got this PSU a month ago, and have been running Witcher 3 on it without any issues, till this happened.

My System Info:

CPU: i5 4690k
Motherboard: MSI Z97 Gaming 5 (BIOS version 1.9)
GPU: MSI GTX 970 (NVIDIA Drivers: 353.06)
RAM: Kingston Hyper X 8GB RAM
PSU: Cooler Master V550w Gold Class
OS: Win 8.1 64 bit

This is what I have tried so far to look into the issue, with no luck in solving the issue unfortunately.

1. Detached and re-attached all cables from my PSU to the PC components, to ensure they are properly attached.
2. Tried other games to see if the problem persists (other games work fine)
3. Did a fresh clean installation of nvidia drivers, latest version (353.06)
4. Did a fresh clean installation of older nvidia drivers (Witcher 3 Game Ready Drivers)
5. Uninstalled and reinstalled the game
6. Used registry cleaner to check registry for any errors etc, cleaned if there were errors
7. Used System Restore to restore to a time when it was normally working (which is 2 days ago)
8. Turned of cutscene ubersampling in game visuals.ini file
9. Uninstalled MSI Afterburner and Riva Tuner (I was just using these to monitor and for OSD, no overclocking etc.)
10. Tried running the game on varying settings - Low, Med, High etc.
11. Tried running the 1.04 patch version, in case the issue was with patch 1.05

Any help would be much appreciated. If any one has had a similar issue, any ideas, suggestions, please share here as well.

Thanks a lot. :)

Max CPU temperature while playing this game was around 65 degrees, and max gpu temp was around 72 degrees

What program did you use to check your Temps?


I used msi afterburner, speccy, as well as hwinfo64, to check temps.

To check the real cpu temps for CPU try Aida64. HWmonitor and other 3rd party shows you the most hottest core, not the hole CPU. Install Aida64Extreme, open it, go to Computer, Sensor and you can see "CPU". If you don't have 2 monitors, play Witcher 3 for 1-2 minutes in windowed mode, to see AIDA64Extreme and check your temps and tell me.