Witcher 3 fps lag after 30 minutes (starts off at 60fps then goes around 20-25fps)


Jul 1, 2013
I have:
i5 3350p ivy bridge

GFX temp after 30 minutes is 68C and 52C on my CPU and have a Master Cooler on my CPU.
Currently do not know why I get lag after 30 minutes and still remains even restarting the game or any other game. I know that my computer can run on High with some settings on low, but I run this game on the lowest settings and I still get this problem. Any help?
My driver is at 352.86 and my core clock caps at 1097mhz which is because I have power management mode on prefer maximum performance in my nvidia settings. Note that I cannot play games unless I am on prefer maximum performance.
My PSU is XFX TS Series 550w Bronze if you need it as well.
There is still a problem with both just that maximum performance allows to be play games at least. If I leave it as adaptive, sometimes I cannot even get into games' loading screens because I get constant stuttering and computer freezes which I have to force reset my computer. On maximum performance, I get to at least past the loading screen and play games, but I realize when I play high end games (such as the Witcher 3), I start to get fps drops 30 minutes into the game.

Edit: Doing some more gameplay with Witcher 3, I found out if I switch to adaptive after 30minutes into the game, my computer does not recognize my gfx when I restart.
I got the same exact problem. I start with 40 fps and then I go down to 28 it's really annoying and I have no idea how to fix it. One theory I've had was that my gpu temp was too high and that causes an drop in the performance.( I hit 89 celsius when gaming, I have overclocked my gpu)

i got the same issue when i start game the frames are in between 35 to 40 but after 15 minutes frames are going down to 25. Same issue with Farcry4 game runs smooth at start on ultra but after minutes it drops down to 40 to 25. Any solution ? your problem is resolved or not?