This build has been my single worst experiance ever... I could write a volume of everything that went wrong...
My first mistake was beign one of the first people too own a RETAIL version of the X6800. The second was buying a Asus Mobo, and more importantly a $160 Mobo that acts like a $25 swap meet mobo. For Example: The Asus P5 Mobo came with bios version 309 (which came out with the core2duo was released). Well bios failed to support SATA Optical Drives. Asus, failing to recognize that they should provide known defects with their products, quickly lead me RMA two perfectly functioning drives.
The current 509 Bios is completely unstable with any changes to the FSB, on ANY multiplier. I cant even LOWER my FSB without causing the system to become unstable.
When I bought the p5B with the 309 version bios, I couldnt change the multiplier past 11 and when 509 came out, they made it possible for me to change the multiplier too 13... WOOPIE DOO!
BIOS 309 IDE Controller (JMicron) would fail consistantly after a hour or so on all optical drives... 509 is slightly better.
Bios 309 and the current 509 is suppose to support 1066 memory. But it limits the BIOS voltage to 2.1, which is .1 volts LOWER then most 1066 memory requires... hmmm
Asus P5B Basic Packaging says "Speed on Demand" or some shit... but it should say "Crash on Demand"...
The second mistake was buying a watercooling system and PSU based on a local companies employee's recommendations... you might know this company... Its called! well its a great company to buy parts from, but the people Ive delt with, for the most part, dont know anything about the products they sell, and really seem to not have a true passion for what they do. They sure do act like they know what they are doing... but when it comes down to it, and you start doing independent research and reviews, you quickly find out that you bought a product that has no credibility what so ever.
I have writen the owner of the frozen cpu, and I will see if he will allow me to exchange the product for a different item. I talked to a lower employee and was told they would not. If they dont, that would be very sad for me, and would mean that frozencpu doesnt support the products they sell as beign of good quality.
Im not looking forword to this, for the amount of time I spent setting up the wires for this device took around a DAY to complete.
I also bought an extremely restrictive flowmeter, and a temp gaudge and temp reader that DIDNT support my 8mm tubes... and then we bought conversion adapters that didnt fit, then ended up buying a different temp gaudge.
I also bought a premade watercooling setup that was made in germany. I tested this machine and found that it flowed 1 l/min and doesnt work much better then a good aircooler...
Lastly, either while my motherboard was beign RMAed the video card was damaged... This may have been due to the fact that I didnt want to drain my system and so I left my VC card hanging from the water hoses... either that or the MoBo wasnt broken, and the Video Card was causing the crashing. I suspect the later...
Ive never experianced so many problems making a machine in my life... in fact, Ive never experianced a quarter of the problems I have now... this build has been cursed.