Worth upgrading from i7 950 and hd6950?


Nov 26, 2014
Hey guys, I was wondering if you think its worth upgrading from the above to an i7 4790k (or similar) and gtx 970.

I mostly game but also use applications such as 3ds max, Photoshop, Vegas etc, I know there would be significant gains in gaming but not sure if they would be noticeable in the aforementioned programs or especially during common tasks like web browsing etc.

Maybe better to just upgrade the gpu and wait on the cpu?

Or maybe even wait a few months for broadwell/nvidia to release something new making current parts cheaper? all input and thoughts appreciated.

Budget is around the total of those parts plus a mobo ($1000 AUD) (www.pccasegear.com if you'd like to help but not familiar with aus prices)

If the cpu isn't overclocked, you might consider getting an aftermarket cooler, there's a lot more juice to get out of it for a small price.

As far as gaming goes, an overclocked i7 950 coupled with an gtx 970 would give a very solid gaming experience.

Regarding photoshop etc, you would get some decent gains from an upgrade.

I went from a 6950 to a GTX 970. It was a night and day difference in gaming. The 970 absolutely blows it out of the water. I would do just the 970 for now, and hold off another generation before replacing your i7 950. Overclock the i7 if it isn't already like manez suggested.

I've got the h80i cooler and had it overclocked to 4.2 a while back, I might go back to that and just upgrade the gpu