Would I Bottleneck?


Dec 8, 2014
Hi! My friend wants to get a new GPU. He was thinking GTX 960 or so. He doesn't want to bottleneck though. What would be the recommended GPU?

His specs:

MOBO: Idk exactly, but its good'
PSU: Brand new, 500w
CPU: AMD Athlon 860K
8gb Ram

well, CPU wise, there is not much you can do. you could overclock your CPU slightly. If you can get it to 4.2 GHz or more, then getting 970 could make sense. with that power supply and CPU overclocking, a 970 would be much wiser than a r9 390.
as dudman says, a 380 is a good option to look into as well.
well, CPU wise, there is not much you can do. you could overclock your CPU slightly. If you can get it to 4.2 GHz or more, then getting 970 could make sense. with that power supply and CPU overclocking, a 970 would be much wiser than a r9 390.
as dudman says, a 380 is a good option to look into as well.