Would it be worth it?

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Jun 20, 2015
Would it be worth it to save 200 extra euros to get a GTX 980 instead of a GTX 970?
I seriously want to play Batman Arkham Knight at the highest settings (not the anti aliasing at the highest though) once its patched. Or maybe I should get the 6 GB GTX 980Ti for 750 euros?
Please tell me if the GTX 980 is worth the extra 200 euros. Thanks in advance.

i5 4460 quad core 3.2 GHZ (later gonna get an i7 4790k possibly)
shitty 500 W PSU (soon upgrading to an XFX Core Edition 550 W 80+ Bronze, possibly more if I will get the GTX 980)
8 Gigabytes of Crucial 1600 MHZ ram (soon upgrading to 12/16 GB of it, because I have heard that it needs more.)
So ye
Im aiming for 1080p 60 FPS
well now that you have brought it up i think you should go with the gtx 970 cause it can run all games at 1080p 60 fps
and as for batman arkham knight you won't e playing it soon
cause rocksteady and warner bros. have just started working on the PC patch to fix the game stopping ugly looking glitches

oh and one more thing the gtx 970 should be enough to run batman arkham knight at 1080p 50-60 fps once it's patched

Ill save up my money and wait till the patches, see how many frames per second they get on youtube.
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