Question would like an opinion regarding carriers


Apr 17, 2019
I currently use Verizon and pay $93 a month for my wife and I tto have unlimited data . But I've spoken to Verizon and that data is capped. so we don't even get any data where I live. The rep said I should geta hotspot.
Do you have any advice I should do to have decent coverage for my phone and my wife's iphone. We are thinking of adding an iPad to the plan to the plan without data.
it is hard to talk to these carriers because they're always moving the peanut under the shell could you please help me sort this out?


Pretty much all unlimited plans have a cap. The key is they don't just charge you more when you go over, they just throttle you. Not sure I have heard of them limiting bandwidth by region, but it is certainly possible with enough customers in the area or limited bandwidth available to the towers.

A hotspot is basically just a cellular connection with WiFi output. That hotspot is basically another cellular line. Unless they have different throttling rules it should behave the same.
Most phones can also do this if tethering is allowed.

Do you mean purchase an iPad through the carrier and not sign it up for data? I don't think they do that. If you get a normal iPad, then it would just be WiFi only, you would have to tether it to a phone or use the hotspot like they said.

You can look up the service maps for the various carriers and see if one provider has more coverage around where you want higher throughput.

The ideal home internet via cellular is when you get a directional antennae to point at the nearest tower. They can still throttle you though.


Apr 17, 2019
It was very nice of you to reply thank you.
I think my wife and I are going to go to Verizon and talk money and then go to Best Buy and continue to investigate.
Would you go to retailer like Best Buy 1st or to the current carrier first?
Verizon actually has started to offer home internet. They have a small cell router you put in your house and it provide internet to your device via wifi and ethernet.
They do not offer it in all areas and if you are not in a fast coverage area it will not work well.

It does though have no data least last time I looked.

They also have plans to combine this with cell phone plans and get bundled prices.

Math Geek

having looked recently for a home hotspot myself, no one offers a truly unlimited option.

verizon does have the home internet as well as tmobile that is unlimited for now. verizon's plan is $25 a month (at least in my area) if you already have cell service with them. not a bad deal really if you already paying for cell phones with them.

my question for you is what do you pay for now. i am unsure if you have a cell phone plan, some other sort of data plan or what?