Would like some help on a monitor for gaming


Sep 11, 2013
Okay, I may get judged if I told you this but I'm finally considering a new monitor... In 2013 I decided to build a new PC around a £1000+ budget, this is what I got (my god the price has dropped Q.Q). This was a build I planned meticulously and constantly made changes until I finally stopped waiting and dropped the money in, and so far, it has been great.... except..... m-m-monitor. My baby still had use so I never bothered but to make you cringe, this is what I am using. So I wasn't even using my card at it's full potential back when it was the best thing.

I'm sorry, please forgive me. I have learnt my lesson and would like your opinion on what monitor to get. My budget is around £100 - £250ish and would like whatever is good and I can use without making a fool of my self... cheers.

Wouldn't that monitor be overkill? A PC form 2013 wouldn't get a solid 144 FPS to keep it smooth at a reasonable graphics setting?

Is overkill bad when its a good price?