Would my rig be able to handle two monitors?


Aug 27, 2014

this is not necessarily true even if you are running a game in only one you WILL lose some performance and you will lose more and more depending on what you are doing the amount of monitors and the resolution.
Yea, you would be able to add as many monitors as you could, and you would lose no performance. As long as you are gaming only on one you would be fine. The higher resolutions are going to need more vram however so a good gpu(s) would be really handy.

this is not necessarily true even if you are running a game in only one you WILL lose some performance and you will lose more and more depending on what you are doing the amount of monitors and the resolution.

True, but thats why I added in the ram part. I have 3 monitors running at 1080p for example. I get the same fps in a game with all three on and a video on one, and a webpage on the other; as I would with only one running.

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