Would Upgrading my Net Speed Help?


Jan 29, 2014
I stream either from Netflix or Amazon Video for my 3 year old son, but when I do, it just murders my bandwidth. I have a 7mbps DSL connection with the TV using WiFi for streaming. When streaming, my speed is anywhere from 0.02mbps to 4.8mbps. My ISP has a faster plan I was thinking of getting (20mbps) but would I even see a difference? Could I stream and say play WoW at the same time without my game's latency being like 1200ms?
A 7mbps connection is pretty marginal for multiple users. Gaming + Netflix/Amazon would, as you have seen, seriously stress that connection.

Yes it would benefit you when you have other devices going to a router for internet service.
What router modelnumber/name do you have by chance, it might be able to shed more light into your speed problem.