Would you help me on my crossfire build?


Jan 22, 2011
Hello guys,

I m having problems with my crossfire system. I have a dual Radeon HD 4850 in crossfire.
I keep getting a very poor performance between 15-22 fps in any game. It scored only 9k on 3DMark06 performed 17-42 on the video card tests and 1-2 fps on the processor test.

I called AMD, MSI, Visiontek talked to their technicians, what happens is that each one of them gave me a distinct solution.
The first guy on Visiontek told me that I need 2 HIS bridge connectors instead of only one that I have on atm. A guy from MSI, he said it should be my processor is a bottle-necking to my card performance. The ATI - AMD dude told me that the processor has nothing to do with it, he blames my PSU. What you guys think is the problem below is my system info:

Motherboard MSI 790XT-G45 CrossfireX Ready
Currently Installed Memory: 4GB
Dual Channel Support: Yes
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) 8400 Triple-Core Processor Model 2, Stepping 2
CPU Speed: 2100 MHz
PSU 450 Watts
2 HD Radeon 4850 512

The AMD tech guy told me to buy any corsair 680w-700w minimum he said the 450 is not enough to power even one 4850.
I do believe that my power supply is really weak to my system but will it affect my video-cards performance. I read on some forums that the power supply will died soon but has nothing to do with performance.
On AMD website the recommended wattage for a 4850 crossfire is 550w only.
*** "PCI Express® based PC is required with one X16 lane graphics slot available on the motherboard
450 Watt or greater power supply with 75 Watt 6-pin PCI Express® power connector recommended (550 Watt and two 6-pin connectors for ATI CrossFireX™ technology in dual mode) "

So, what you guys think about it, what should I get first a new PSU or a processor? Both?

Thank You for replying this post.


Yeah, you REALLY need to upgrade that PSU. Your CPU is not that best, try upgrading the PSU and then if that doesn't work, upgrade the CPU. I doubt is the CPU though. BTW, I know you said it was a new system, but the hd4850 is pretty old, are the video cards and all the componets brand new?


Jan 22, 2011
yeah, the first 4850 was bought in Feb 2010 it came with a DELL computer, I upgraded that PC's video card and kept the 4850 saving to use later. The second one I bought from Tiger direct for $70 to make a pair with the first one I had on my dusty drawer. :) You know, I m trying to save money... looks like i have to spend some more now lol

Yeah, is all new but one of the 4850, the motherboard, memory, hard drive and the processor as well were bought on last Black Friday, my happy shopping night XD
Ummm, I was thinking, it actually could be your CPU. It only runs @ 2.1Ghz from what I have seen. That is not fast really. If I were you, I would Do some OCing and unlock that 4th core. I am not sure that MOBO can unlock, but it might be able to. Do you know if it has ACC in the BIOS? If I were you, I would do that stuff and no matter what, buy a new PSU, but even if that doesn't work, I would get a phenom ii x3 or x4 that runs @ 3.0Ghz A 2.8Ghz would be nice if you OCed too.


Jan 22, 2011

Well my motherboard bios allow me to unlock the 4th core, but I could not for some reason. I read somewhere that there is this one line of x3 that will let me unlock, mine 8400 wont unlock. I don't know if this is true. But yes, I could try unlock it again. Any step by step guide that you could suggest?

I m getting the PSU tonight, at Fryes wooot, cheap for cheapers, a coolmaster 700w for $65.



Jan 22, 2011

Hello there, Donut, my friend. I got a 850w and the system scored worse than before. I was like :eek: What a hell ?!?

It should be the processor then. Since any game uses NO more than 2 cores I m going cheap again to buy a X2 3.0Ghz. It has the speed that I need. What do you think?
I ll be buying one like this:

Mine is this one:

Keep the PSU though. You REALLY DON'T want your bad PSU to take your whole system. If you get a dual core, get this. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103846&cm_re=AMD_phenom_ii_x2-_-19-103-846-_-Product Unless you want to get something like this. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103872&cm_re=AMD_athlon_ii_x3-_-19-103-872-_-Product I have that CPU just .1Ghz slower. You can might even be able to unlock both those CPUs to a quad. I would get the Phenom ii x2 and unlock and OC it.
Um, I think you will be disappointed with an AMD athlon ii x2 unless you can unlock it, which is a 30-40% chance. Get a tri core at least. Try to get a refund for the tri core you have, and then buy a phenom ii. If you cannot get a refund, get at least a 2.9Ghz athlon ii tri core.

To the, "No game uses more than two cores" Um... Yes they do. I am telling you, you will be disappointed.