WoW on 4K Monitor, is my PC capable?


Jan 1, 2015
I want to know if my PC is capable at gaming 4K WoW, and if so, what kind of settings could I max and still maintain playable FPS.

Total Build:
CPU: FX-8350 @ 4.5GHz (Can go higher if needed)/ H100i AIO Cooler
GPU: EVGA GTX 1070 FTW Edition
RAM: 8GB GSKill Ripjaws
Boot Drive: Samsung 850 EVO

If anymore info is needed, please ask.
I am currently using 2 1080 Monitors. Of course I only play wow on one 1080p monitor and I see anywhere between 50 fps (In crowded cities such as Dalaran with 100+ people) to 300+ fps in open world with all Ultra minus Shadow Quality being set to high and render distance set to half as I don't see a point having it past that. I do have render-scale set to 200%, which I heard is basically just a step down from 4K..

And just to throw this question out there for any experts, I heard that if a GPU is labeled as VR-Ready, such as the 10-series, than it is automatically 4K ready. Is this true?

I would disagree, as Legion is more demanding. I tried out WoW, back in WoD, with a GTX 1070, @ 1440p, and ultra with a couple tweaks, was possible. It was to test out a friend's upgrade, to his 4.0ghz 3570k rig. Legion 4k is playable but I would say you would need to turn some settings down. VR ready doesn't equal 4k ready. It may run @4k, but gaming @4k is super demanding. Personally, I would recommend going with 1440p.

Thanks for the reply.

The problem though is that the 4K Monitor is already purchased as A Christmas gift that im not supposed to know about (Evil Grin) but I just want to make sure that this $400 monitor won't go to waste. I honestly couldnt care less about maxing out the settings such as Ground Density/Shadows/Water Quality/Render Distance as I don't care for these things, and these things are what seem to have the heaviest hit on me right now.