WTF is up with GPU prices!?

Atreyo Bhattacharjee

Feb 7, 2017
I've been looking to building a PC since the beginning of the summer, but I am confused on why the hell an RX 580 costs 750 dollars and a 1070 costs 500 dollars?! Why are the prices so damn high? Will they comedown, and if so, how soon?
New GPU based coin mining out so the miner's are buying them in droves, AMD more specifically as it's always been a better GPU hash miner, but regardless, if there are no AMD's in stock, NVidia has a decent price/mining at the moment. It will probably fade.


And this is why there is a shortage of good GPU's.

Kunra Zether

Jun 25, 2016
It's like $450 but it's at its retail and it's liquid cooled so you won't feel jipped if you get it crazy that I bought my Asus strix forcibly $382 back in February ugh this is price gouging at its worse are they not upheld by any regulations I mean it's like newegg is eBay and they bought all the tickle me Elmo's on black Friday lol


Try local stores instead of places like amazon and newegg. I found even local stores were susceptible to this price increase but certain models could still be obtained for the prices listed 2 months ago. Like here in canada, gigabyte windforce is still 550 cad which is like 415 usd ( I'm not saying you buy from this particular store, taxes and shipping would probably make it not worth it, or this particular model, just suggesting you visit brick/mortar electronics store in your area as they may be slower to implement price bumps, and be open to different 1070 models instead of dead set on a particular one.