WWF Uses Google Money for Drones to Fight Poaching

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[citation][nom]mobrocket[/nom]All this wouldnt be needed if stupid people would stop buying animals parts from these. Tiger balls cant make your wee wee grow, Ivory looks like crap and stuffed animal heads are for guys who think they are a man.Real men play sportspussies kill animals with guns[/citation]
some people kill for food moron. Deer hunters thins the herds or deers would overpopulate and the same number or more would slowly starve to death each year. You must be a pussy anti gun liberal nut job.
there are many reasons to support wildlife conservation, so much of the scientific research that saves lives starts in nature. if you are ever given an anticoagulant for a stroke to break up clots.. thank bat saliva... ever wonder why crocodiles are able to live in nasty bacteria filled water fight, get cuts and scrapes and still heal.. well they have a genetic predisposition to it and scientists are workign toward ways of using and modifying this to help humans, so many undiscovered medicinal useds are out there and the guy who had to have a pelt or head mounted on his wall might just be helping to wipe out a species that might save your life one day or the life of a loved one
[citation][nom]frombehind[/nom]honestly they are approaching this the wrong way... instead of trying to stop it... they should be more focused on to profit from it... surely there are rich people in the world that would pay out the ass to shoot lions and tigers LEGALLY... then just take all the money you generate from that and use it to fund the wild life restoration programs and captive breeding programs.[/citation]
Actually this has been done with success in portions of India and Africa for elephants. Farmers and poachers were shooting them prior to these types of programs being implemented because nobody cared about the animals. The locals only saw them as a nuisance. But after the program was implemented the locals saw the animals as a source of pride and income for the whole village. The money was spent to employ the villagers as guards on the refuges and locals began reporting poachers. Too bad people down voted your post because it is actually true.
[citation][nom]A Bad Day[/nom]You have a fancy multimillion dollar tracking system.I have dozens of men armed with AK-47s, and a couple of bribed soldiers and government officials.Bring it on.[/citation]

Unfortunately this is what they have to deal with, corrupt official and well funded poachers. Hopefully the response unit is efficiently trained and armed.
[citation][nom]doive1231[/nom]Tag animals? Arm the animals and remotely operate the guns to take the poachers out. That'll show them.[/citation]

You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!
[citation][nom]frombehind[/nom]honestly they are approaching this the wrong way... instead of trying to stop it... they should be more focused on to profit from it... surely there are rich people in the world that would pay out the ass to shoot lions and tigers LEGALLY... then just take all the money you generate from that and use it to fund the wild life restoration programs and captive breeding programs.[/citation]

Why have people downvoted this I have no idea. This is the same thought process for the legalization of weed. Legalize it, tax it, control it's ebb and flow. Humanity artificially intervened and has put many species of animals on the extinct list, and many more on the endangered list. By all means we should instead of spending money trying to stop poachers outright, screw them out of their business of selling "endangered" animal parts by breeding them, which is a "2 birds" approach of making the animal no longer rare, and also increasing the population to where it should be. And then on top of that you have people PAYING to hunt a animal, PAYING for a gun, PAYING to rent a jeep, PAYING to rent a suite, PAYING for beer, PAYING for a meal, PAYING for a guide, and then finally PAYING to have the thing skinned and... PAYING to bring the remains back with them to wherever.
[citation][nom]BulkZerker[/nom]Why have people downvoted this I have no idea. This is the same thought process for the legalization of weed. Legalize it, tax it, control it's ebb and flow. Humanity artificially intervened and has put many species of animals on the extinct list, and many more on the endangered list. By all means we should instead of spending money trying to stop poachers outright, screw them out of their business of selling "endangered" animal parts by breeding them, which is a "2 birds" approach of making the animal no longer rare, and also increasing the population to where it should be. And then on top of that you have people PAYING to hunt a animal, PAYING for a gun, PAYING to rent a jeep, PAYING to rent a suite, PAYING for beer, PAYING for a meal, PAYING for a guide, and then finally PAYING to have the thing skinned and... PAYING to bring the remains back with them to wherever.[/citation]
careful, you are using a logical approach... angry emotional responses incoming.
[citation][nom]-Jackson[/nom]Some people seriously need to stop playing Call Of Duty.[/citation]

What do you think they hunt wild animals with?

Yeah, the same weapons that can also be used against humans.
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