www.abspc.com Who's been there?


May 28, 2003
im looking to buy from ABS, they seem to have great prices and great computers, and i want to know if there has been anyone that has bought from there and has good or bad experiences. Abs has like a 9.25 on resellerratings.com which is pretty good. Just want to be sure though.
I purchased a complete system from them back in 98, thats when a Pentium II 450 was top of the line. I was very pleased with there service and customer support responsiveness, even after I recieved my computer, wow P II 450, now I'm running a AMD 2600 MP, does'nt really seem like that long ago. Go for it, they've been around long enough to make it break it, I would buy my next system from them if they would only ship to APO addresses.

<font color=red><b>We all love disassembling things to see how it works,
but who wants to put it back together again?
I had a friend buy a computer from them about 3 years ago. It is the parent company of Newegg. My friend didnt have any problems but it took about 2 weeks to get the computer, but it was a custom one. Everything I have heard about them is good, even in the various magazines.

You could also check the this site for Independent computer builders like Crashman et all, or your local computers builders, they have low overhead and will match the price. Keep it in the family.

the Prisoner

I'm not a number, I'm a free man! 😡