Question x570 + Ryzen 5 3600 can't make it to BIOS

Aug 2, 2019
Hi All, I Recently upgraded and can't even get to the BIOS screen. This will be my 5th build and I'm at a bit of a loss what else to try.

CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
RAM: Corsair vengeance 3200 LPX
GFX: 2080 RTX / Vega 56

The EZ BIOS LED's go in the following pattern:
CPU - RED for about 7s then off
VGA - Flicks RED
BOOT - Flicks RED at the same time as VGA (even though no devices attached)

Before I send back as DOA is there anything else I should try, below is what hasn't worked:

Single RAM stick / Other DDR4 RAM from another machine
Remove all HDD/SSD's
Multiple GFX cards - Connected to different monitors
Reset CMOS
Check CPU pins and reseat
Take out of case, barebones on an antistatic mat.
Change power supplies

Occasionally (maybe 1 in 20 attempted boots) it goes to a screen saying del for bios, ctrl+f5 for mflash, f11 for boot menu. However accepts no input from a keyboard and does nothing whilst on this screen.
Occasionally the fan for the chipset stops during the boot process, this then gets HOT

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would start by double checking the installation orientation of the CPU; not just the pins. Page 27 of the manual.
Before you power it on only have the CPU, Memory, one step at a time!
If the LED's are fine then drop the GPU in.
Then add a HD
If all that fails or you can't get it to even 'post' then its either your CPU or Motherboard... Personally I would suspect the CPU since the Motherboard is smart enough to know its bad by indicating such.