[SOLVED] Xbox 2 CPU PC Equivalent

Citizen Cook

Feb 3, 2017
Xbox 2 killer
Has anyone seen the leaked Xbox 2 specs?

Xbox Anaconda specs:
CPU - Custom 8 Cores (16 zen threads 2) 3.2GHz
GPU - Custom NAVI 12+ Teraflops
RAM - 16GB of GDDR6
Memory Storage - SSD 1TB NVMe 1 + GB / s

Estimated price - $500

What would be the equivalent Nvidia/AMD build if I made a PC today?

And how much would if cost?

My current specs are:
CPU - i5 4670 3.4GHz
GPU - Nvidia 1080Ti 11.4 Teraflops
RAM - 16GB of DDR3 1600
Memory Storage - SSD 120 GB & 2TB HDD.

It's the processor that is of particular interest to me, I have no idea what a PC equivalent looks like.
How does my current CPU hold up?
Too early to tell - the spec sheet alone isn't enough to go one, you need actual benchmark specifics.

I remember a pretty infamous thread around these parts around the launch of the XBox OneX where someone could get past "But X Teraflops". Theoretical raw power on paper means nothing. Sounds good, of course - but doesn't actually 'mean' anything.

Remember, XBox's (as hardware) are typically viewed as loss-leaders.
Even running rough consumer pricing on a 1TB NVME SSD puts you >$120.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Storage: Intel - 660p Series 1 TB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive ($123.99 @ Newegg Business)
Total: $123.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when...
Too early to tell - the spec sheet alone isn't enough to go one, you need actual benchmark specifics.

I remember a pretty infamous thread around these parts around the launch of the XBox OneX where someone could get past "But X Teraflops". Theoretical raw power on paper means nothing. Sounds good, of course - but doesn't actually 'mean' anything.

Remember, XBox's (as hardware) are typically viewed as loss-leaders.
Even running rough consumer pricing on a 1TB NVME SSD puts you >$120.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Storage: Intel - 660p Series 1 TB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive ($123.99 @ Newegg Business)
Total: $123.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-02-25 17:14 EST-0500

And that's before 'custom' anything. R&D, the additional markup on GDDR6 being one of the first to market etc.

A GPU alone that'll net you ~12+ TFLOPS is >$1,200 right now, the 2080TI. But those on paper are not created equal.
For example, a FirePro W5000 is a ~1TFLOP GPU..... so is a 750TI. While neither are going to net you top-tier gaming performance in 2019, I know which one I'd rather have.

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