Xbox 360 w/ Plasma TV > PC gaming???


Oct 14, 2011
I am having this discussion on youtube with this guy who keeps insisting that his Xbox 360 and plasma television offer better quality than my crossfire rig and 1080 LED. While I admit my setup isn't as powerful as it once was, I find a hard time believing that a plasma TV makes that big a difference.

He acknowledged that PC was better, but he insists that plasma is so good that it gives his set up the graphical edge over my setup. He isn't trolling either. He's serious.

It's really got me wondering as I've never owned a plasma TV. Is he telling the truth? Are plasma tvs for gaming that great that they give an old system like Xbox 360 and edge over my setup?


Yeah, and there is...
I would use an LED TV anyway. Plasma can burn up the power

As one site says:

A plasma TV consumes significantly more power than an LED TV because each gas cell needs to be excited enough to produce a bright color. In an LED display, the light is independent and shared across all the pixels, so a more efficient way to produce the light can be used.
I knew about the power consumption and burn ins, and I mentioned them, but he acted as if those were nothing if you knew what you were doing. I still can't get over that he suggested an Xbox 360 w/ the right TV provides a better experience than a crossfire rig using LED. I don't know why I let it bother me. Probably because I've never heard a console user actually make such a claim. They usually claim consoles are better for other reasons. I have an Xbox One and even though my PC is a few years old it still provides better graphical quality. To think an Xbox 360, regardless of TV type, could trump PC is something that I found strange. So I thought I would create this thread and ask you guys about plasma TVs.

Yeah, and there is nothing stopping you from hooking up your PC to a Plasma TV and making his entire point moot.

Very good point! I will think about buying one just to see if it's what people make them out to be.

Yeah don't buy a plasma, he's still full of s---. Like i said previously, plasma is a dead technology, you want an OLED tv, or an IPS monitor. But they're both fairly expensive.

And if your LED monitor has a good 1-2ms refresh rate then you're actually still doing better than him as you probably don't get ghosting like he will at higher fps.
Plasmas are incredibly good at upscaling lower res content.
Meaning a 360 720p game will look better on a plasma than it will on a 1080p led set.
It certainly won't look better than a PC game running at native 1080p though irregardless of the screen type.

Methinks the guy is a bit of an idiot & should be ignored.