Hello guyz, I found a solution for your terrible problem with Non-Official Wireless Reciver. Here it comes: Download the driver from the official websie: https://www.microsoft.com/hardware/pl-pl/d/xbox-360-wireless-controller-for-windows, pick the windows 7 version. Than extract the .exe with http://7-zip.org.pl/sciagnij.html. When you do go to the device manager, pick the Unknown Device and follow the steps from video above until you get to the part, where the guy has the Reciver on the list, you don't. Instead use Show All Devices. It will lead you to Use Disk, than pick the .inf file from the extracted .exe from offical driver. In my case it was E:\Downloads\Xbox360_64Eng\xbox360\setup64\files\driver\win7 \xusb21.inf There you will find your reciever on the list and voila. Your Polish nerd 😀