Xbox games on windows 7

Emulators exists for several consoles, including XBOX. However, due to TH's policies regarding discussions on pirated content (emulators infringe on copyright laws), we cannot help you further.

To be honest, it would probably be easier to connect an old XBOX console to your PC/TV and play that way. XBOX consoles can still be purchased at very low prices...just saying.

That is not quite the truth. Emulators don't infringe any laws. Though, copying console BIOS without owning one is considered a copyright theft.

I didn't feel like writting down the whole EULA / copyright clause in the post. But realistically, do you really think that people using emulators follow all the rules? Where do you think they get the games from? ...and are those games legally obtained?

Game developpers' emulators and "consumer" emulators are different in that the devellopers have built in packages in their engine to make possible developping in various platform, with authorization from console makers (i.e. Microsoft, Sony). Consumer emulators don't.