Xbox One On Sale without Kinect for Same Price as PS4

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I think Microsoft have just killed Kinect. As with the previous Xbox, developers will make games primarily for those that do not have the Kinect so that they do not alienate a large section of gamers by releasing games they cannot use. Sure some developers will still release kinect options, but they will not be fundamental parts of the game.

While I support this move by Microsoft, it's a little too late coming. This console is still to underpowered compared to its competitor, the PlayStation 4. Even at the same price, the PlayStation 4 is quite publicly the better option with more power. I am still surprised that both consoles chose to go with an APU and not any form of dedicated graphics.
Even after the price cut, I doubt it would sell well. PlayStation 4 is more powerful than Xbox One. So people would still go for the PS4. Though this decision by Microsoft is pretty late, I appreciate their move.
Well you have to remember if people (i.e average comsumer) went with specs only then every one would just buy gaming PC's. I doubt most parent who are buying a system for there childern will no or even notice the different between the two systems running side by side. They will just look at price and if there kids already have a Xbox then they probably will just pick up another since they "know" the product and or already paying for gold.
Even after the price cut, I doubt it would sell well. PlayStation 4 is more powerful than Xbox One. So people would still go for the PS4. Though this decision by Microsoft is pretty late, I appreciate their move.

Not everyone cares about which one is more powerful than the other. There is also this other thing called exclusives.

Just saying.
I find the Kinect unncessary for day to day gaming. It was a double-edged sword they had there. Forcing the Kinect on everyone obvoiusly hurt sales, but they were ensuring everyone had the device and this gave developers incentive to build games that would use it. Microsoft's blunders are comical. They don't seem to have anyone who can figure what the hell they are doing.
This should improve the XBones sales performance, the price is really one of the biggest things average people look at, and those people are the ones that make the long term sales. It is also wise of them to do it now, before PS4 can get too big of a mind share as the "go-to" -console this gen.
Well I guess games are going to continue with the old two stick buttons for at least the next 6 years. Would have liked to at least give kinect a chance for the entire console life. But now that it's optional developers aren't going to spend as much time on it, in fact now they have to plan on it not being there which is just going to be more time spent doing if (KinectPresent == true) else bla bla...
Well you have to remember if people (i.e average comsumer) went with specs only then every one would just buy gaming PC's. I doubt most parent who are buying a system for there childern will no or even notice the different between the two systems running side by side. They will just look at price and if there kids already have a Xbox then they probably will just pick up another since they "know" the product and or already paying for gold.
Even after the price cut, I doubt it would sell well. PlayStation 4 is more powerful than Xbox One. So people would still go for the PS4. Though this decision by Microsoft is pretty late, I appreciate their move.

By this logic nobody would have even bought the XBOX ONE in the first place. For that matter, why is the XBOX 360 still selling if processing power is the only factor?
Hmm, I don't like the video or movement tracking capabilities Kinect enables but I do find voice search useful on the Xbox. If I buy an Xbox One without Kinect will Microsoft make a noise cancelling microphone array accessory available so I can still use voice commands? Will the microphone array cosst less than $100?
Removal of the Kinect doesn't even save MS much money... They would prefer to sell it with Kinect and make some profit... vs. almost none without it.

The only exclusives coming out now for the Xone are from Microsoft... otherwise, more games are coming out for the PS4.
Did anyone NOT see this coming? I'd think the devs in the middle of a game rights now have to be pissed. They now have to decide whether to go back through and scrap the Kinect code, or whether to risk sales problems by requiring the Kinect.
Did anyone NOT see this coming? I'd think the devs in the middle of a game rights now have to be pissed. They now have to decide whether to go back through and scrap the Kinect code, or whether to risk sales problems by requiring the Kinect.

It's a little hard to not see this coming, mostly because the reason why Microsoft gave as to why they include Kinect: They envisioned a future of gaming hand in hand with the kinect, and to do that was to actively enforce it in the bundle. They sought a future. And now there running backwards with their tails in between their legs. I don't understand this. If you envision this dream goal of yours, stick with it, not backtrack.
The way MS handled the PR for the kinect is analogous to the way MMO publishers handle starting subscription-based and going to f2p. They both spout that there's no way it'll ever change (required/sub>optional/f2p)... yet 6 months later, behold, they are revealed as liars. I mean and it's so obvious it's just PR spin to increase sales, in the end the companies that do this just damage their credibility with customers.
Kinect is a failure on the grand scale of gaming. most gamers prefer a hands on controllers then to use their body has one. ps4 is doing just fine without some motion image sensor and for that ms had to give into demand on what the consumer wants. I can do everything with a controller as I can with a Kinect, but I can't do everything with a Kinect that I can with a controller. playing demanding multi-tasking games requires a controller. try playing a first person shooter using the Kinect. try playing a face paced sports game that requires multiple functions at once using Kinect, it aint happening. Kinect is a novelty item not a necessity.
i don't want sweating like a pig playing a game, not really impressed with motion controls. I waiting for brain interface.
Rather than compromise the experience they envisioned, why not just take the hit and match the PS4 price WITH Kinnect. If they REALLY believe the Kinnect will pay off in the long run... well Microsoft, put your money where your mouth is.
Even after the price cut, I doubt it would sell well. PlayStation 4 is more powerful than Xbox One. So people would still go for the PS4. Though this decision by Microsoft is pretty late, I appreciate their move.
Not everyone cares about which one is more powerful than the other. There is also this other thing called exclusives.

Just saying.

The PS4 isn't just more powerful, it is twice as powerful and offers more features. Not only this, but it isn't a secret that it is more powerful. It has become common knowledge as seemingly every casual article I see on yahoo and cnn never fail to mention the PS4 is 1) More powerful and 2) Selling vastly better. Who in their right mind would buy something that is less supported, and less powerful?
Rather than compromise the experience they envisioned, why not just take the hit and match the PS4 price WITH Kinnect. If they REALLY believe the Kinnect will pay off in the long run... well Microsoft, put your money where your mouth is.
That's exactly what they should have done.
Seems like this falls in line with every major decision Microsoft has made with the xBone:
No you can't play used games, nevermind you can
You need always on internet, nevermind you don't
No you can't get it without the Kinect, nevermind you can

The problem is that MS needs to do the market research before they announce or start selling it not after they've alienated their audience, they've bungled this thing from day one. Sony doesn't have a loyal following because the hardware's more powerful or cheaper, they keep things reasonable and you know upfront what's going on, they don't keep changing they're minds. That's why the PS4 is outselling the xBox and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
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