xbox one titles on pc?

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Mar 25, 2015
as the title might suggest,i'd heard a few days ago that xbox one titles would be playable on a pc running win it true?what do i have to download/install/buy to play xbox titles on my win 10 pc?

pc config-
8gb 1600mhz,i5 4440 and gtx 750 2gb oc edition

basically you use your pc's monitor and the win 10 machine as the middle man to display it. not sure why you would want to do this but that is what MS has built into the new windows.

i guess it makes it easier to record your play or something. not sure as i don't understand that whole chunk of the gaming world at all. don't get sitting back and watching someone else play a game when i could play it myself. guess i'm just old *sigh*
basically you use your pc's monitor and the win 10 machine as the middle man to display it. not sure why you would want to do this but that is what MS has built into the new windows.

i guess it makes it easier to record your play or something. not sure as i don't understand that whole chunk of the gaming world at all. don't get sitting back and watching someone else play a game when i could play it myself. guess i'm just old *sigh*

nah you're not old(metaphorically,that is)...even i'd say it sucks to watch someone else tear shit up while i just sit around doing nothing
lol my niece watches minecraft videos. that's not even an exciting shoot em up game. i can't imagine anything less exciting than watching a video of someone playing virtual lego's......

some of the neighborhood kids even watch video's of someone commenting on a video of a game. so i guess we have professional gaming commentators like we have for pro sports like football and basketball? do these folks have pro experience like the guys that talk while i watch a football game? man i am seriously too old for needing a pro to help me understand the call of duty scene i am seeing..... you if you really keep reiterating the word 'old' i might have to re-think the 'metaphorical' part i was so sure about

but jokes aside,it really does feel stupid having someone around to explain call of duty's either shoot the f*****s or stab the f*****s(stealth,i mean)
or any other game,for that matter
kids will be kids,after all

hhehehe, i guess i have finally just accepted that i am not part of the young generation anymore :)

took me a long time to admit it but a few years teaching teenagers proved to me that i was certainly being left behind in pop culture. we all fight it but eventually, we just stop fighting it and get that rocking chair for the porch so we can be more comfortable while yelling for "them damn kids to get off my lawn"!! 😀
haha...rocking chair or not,one is never too old for gaming,from my personal point of view...

but i do feel that keeping up isnt much of a problem,if you're willing to keep up,that is..
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