[citation][nom]damianrobertjones[/nom]What exactly did you use the start menu for anyway? What's so important about it? Think about it.[/citation] If its not important, then why change it to a crumble-some fullscreen interface? As stated, its ugly, hidden buttons that server no purpose or save any space, MS sure is out to disable every little thing people seem to want to keep. Even its touch-interface is moronic, you have to swipe to flip from desktop to metro-rape mode... while a button would have been simple. There are buttons on phones, tablets for visual clues of operation. Metro-rape UI hides everything. stupid charms pop out when you don't need it - and don't when you do. Two different task managers for two different interfaces... Its an idiot UI design for a few people who seem to love all things MS.
The performance numbers you posts are nothing. In a world in which 4GB of RAM is $25, the difference between Win8 and Win7 is minimal - but an improvement is always a good step. Now, if they ripped out Metro-rape, they could save another 100MB of RAM I bet! Maybe even get another 2-3% overall improvement in performance.
I'm still running Core2 Quad with an SSD on Windows7. Its damn stable, does everything I want. I've built i5-2600 & i5-3570 systems for clients that easily smokes my machine. I have 66 processes running with Photoshop, 2 different browsers, a TVTunner card running and barely a hiccup noticeable. (Yeah, I still want a new i5 CPU). So for new modern systems, it means little. For a tablet and phone... this is far more important for battery life and slower CPUs and GPUs. In reality, most people do not need a desktop-level core running on their phones and tablets.
Hence, Apple and others sell $200~600 tablets in the millions while there is a tiny corp. market for the $1200~1600 slate tablets. The MS tablet is going to cost the same, will have the same lame 4hr battery life and slow boot up compared to an iPad1.
Again, your numbers means little. Why didnt you put up gaming performance numbers? Are you using the same computer? I bet if a modern game is getting 100fps in Win7, it may get 102fps with Win8. That is nothing to get excited about.